In your opinion, for some people to be rich do others have to be poor? Is extreme wealth in and of itself a social problem? What do you think of these issues and why? Please explain your opinions.
Remember this is a 15 point essay. You should explain in full detail how you use impression management in your daily life. Reaction Papers are a minimum of 3 double-spaced typed pages. Here is a general rubric to use while writing your paper:
Reaction Paper Grading Guidelines
15-14 points- Use an excellent, well-thought example (s), illustrate applied theory, exhibit insight by making connections to the course with only minimal grammar mistakes
13-12 points- An excellent example(s), including a solid reference to course material and related concepts, minimal grammar errors
11-10 points- Good example(s) of course material, but exhibit a lack of conceptual or theoretical understanding, writing errors
9-8 points- A satisfactory example(s) that illustrates concepts, but a weak connection to the course, several writing errors
7 & Below Failing to make a connection(s) to class, appearing to have minimal understanding

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