R8360 Final Project: Building a Qualitative Research Plan
The purpose of the final project is to develop knowledge and practice skills that will prepare you for developing a qualitative dissertation proposal. In fact, most of
the assignments closely parallel the requirements for a qualitative research proposal as described in the Qualitative Checklist. This process is a hands-on
opportunity to develop an idea of interest or passion into a research plan. This includes intensive work on the alignment of your problem statement, purpose
statement, and research question with a qualitative approach; developing an interview guide; practicing conducting an interview; and preparing and analyzing data.
At the end of this assignment, you will also be asked to reflect on what you’ve learned, and what you make carry forward with you to the dissertation.
Beginning in Week 5 and extending through the rest of the course, you will work on the components that constitute your Final Project. The Final Project will be
produced in a stepwise fashion, and each week you will be working on a new step. You’ll receive feedback from your classmates and instructor on each step that
you will incorporate into the final document.
Be sure to watch the Final Project Guidelines video included in this week’s Media Resources in preparation for Final Project Step I.
The Final Project is comprised of the following six steps. These are presented in the video, and the instructions for each step are described in detail in the week
each occurs. Use this list and the table to plan your time, and anticipate the due dates for each component and the final project.
Step I: Revising the Problem/Purpose Statement and Choosing the Approach (Week 5)
Step II: Developing an Interview Guide, Invitation and Data Collection Protocol (Weeks 6 and 7)
Step III: Conduct the Interviews, take notes and Journal (Week 8)
Step IV: Transcribe and Organize data and peer debrief (Week 9)
Step V: Considerations for Qualitative Analysis: Analysis Plan, Coding Strategies, Software Choices (Week 10)
Insert abstract here; it should be
no more than one page. Abstract text must be double-spaced with no paragraph
breaks. Describe the overall research problem being addressed in the first
couple of sentences and indicate why it is important (e.g., who would care if
the problem is solved). You can include a general introduction of the issue in
the first sentence, but you need to move to a clear statement of the research
problem being addressed. Identify the purpose and theoretical foundations, if
appropriate, summarize the key research question(s), and briefly describe the
overall research design, methods, and data analytic procedures. Conclude with a (a)
statement of reflection on what was
learned and (b) statement on the implications for positive social change. Here
are some form and style tips: (a) limit the abstract to one typed page; (b)
maintain the scholarly language used throughout the Project; (c) keep the abstract
concise, accurate, and readable; (d) use correct English; (e) ensure each
sentence adds value to the reader’s understanding of the research; and (f) use
the full name of any acronym and include the acronym in parentheses. Do not
include references or citations in the abstract. Per APA style, unless at the
start of a sentence, use numerals in the abstract, not written out numbers. For
more guidance on writing this paragraph, consult the Abstract Primer (available at http://researchcenter.waldenu.edu/).

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