Create a data model for a Mini-Amazon database for tracking CUSTOMERS, ORDERS, and PRODUCTS. Keep it simple. Don’t worry right now that the database would also have system tables or many product type tables, shipping tables, payment tables, etc.
Create an entity relationship diagram
Create 3 text files called CUSTOMER, ORDER, and PRODUCT, and load them into either:
MySQL Server, Access, Excel Power Query, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, or any other tool of your choice.
Review the entity relationship diagram ( ERD ) and the data and determine the field/column to link and create joins for the 3 files.
Write the query needed to complete these joins, or show me in a screenshot how you would join these tables together. Explain the type of join and the column(s) used. Explain why you chose the column(s).
Develop 1 overarching question or hypothesis and 3 sub-questions or hypotheses for the data. (*this is not a research course so you do not need to write out a null and alternative hypothesis or write out scientific symbols. Just write it as a regular sentence or bullet point).
Develop the SQL queries needed to extract this data. You can start with basic SQL and then add supporting information on how you would narrow this data down. This can include filters you may use or other features of database management.
Create an executive summary document and include the information requested above, including screenshots where applicable. Your final document should have the following sections:
Explain the purpose of your data analysis report in a few sentences.
2. Problem Statement
Write your question or hypothesis and sub-questions in this section.
3. Data Profiling Results
Add your narrative explaining how you reviewed the data, and if you made any changes to the data or data structure/format explain the justification. If you found any problems with the data explain those.
4. Methodology
Document the steps you took to review the files, combine them, create your queries, and extract and view the data. This should be in narrative form although you may add a graphic to show the steps. If a graphic is added be sure to label it as a Figure.
5. Results
This section should contain the results of your data selection. It should be a table or tables along with a narrative explaining these results. Be sure to label tables as a Table. This section should be factual with no added opinion.
6. Discussion
This section should contain your thoughts on the results, along with any other relevant policy or compliance related information about the data.
Screenshots should be a consistent size and labeled as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.
Tables (e.g. results from queries) should be labeled as Table 1, Table 2, etc.
There are no other special formatting requirements. Any page length, any size font, etc.
Proper citations for references in any format such as APA.

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