I would start by reading over the “I Search Detailed outline” & Sample essay. Both of those will help form the basis of what type of paper I need. Following those two I would glance over my topic proposal to help solidify the topic of the paper. I’ve also chosen my first three sources which I’ve attached and numbered.
My first three attached sources where all obtained on Nov 15th. And obtained through ProQuest.
1st source key words used were ethical+hacking
2nd source key words used were Cyber+crime and Ethical+hacking. I chose these keywords to see how ethical hacking is being implemented
3rd source key words used were Ethical+Hacking and Healthcare. I chose these keywords since I currently work in the healthcare field and wanted to see how ethical hacking could be used to help prevent potential breaches of patient information.
For sources 4-6 Feel free to use whatever article/journal or even video that is relevant to the topic of Ethical hacking. Like the others you need to say when you obtained your source (honestly anywhere between Nov 15th-today).

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