Respond to two colleagues:
• Discuss how you would use the data collected by your colleague to guide the next step in the planned change process or to inform future work with clients.
Discussion post from Colleagues 1
One case from my social work experience in which resiliency theory would be beneficial is a client who has been struggling with severe depression ever since the isolation as a result of the pandemic began. This client has had substantially less social engagement during these times. The presenting problem in this case is that they were feeling incredibly depressed and it was starting to interfere with their ability to engage in daily activities and focus on their work. One intervention that has good potential to promote resiliency for this client is to help them gain more experiences of social engagement. For instance, a virtual support group for young adults with depression might be substantially helpful in making the client feel less alone and isolated.
An instrument that I would utilize to assess levels of resiliency for this client would be the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). This scale would be most appropriate in that it has been utilized among numerous age groups and ethnic backgrounds, and it assesses resiliency from many aspects of the client’s experience (Smith-Osborne & Whitehill Bolton, 2013). When assessing resilience, it is important to keep in mind that outcomes of resilience can look different among different categories of a client’s experience. The CD-RISC aligns with this principle in that it takes into account many aspects of a client’s experience and social environment.
Smith-Osborne, A., & Whitehill Bolton, K. (2013). Assessing resilience: a review of measures across the life course. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work,
10(2), 111–126.

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