Learning Goal: I’m working on a website development test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Part 1 10pts due 4/17Download ResourcesView Intro Javascript and Pseudocode.ppt and view chbackcolor.htmlin an editor and browser.Modify chbackcolor.html to use a differentwebsafe color, Zip it and submit it as Wk 11 Javascript Part 1Part 2 10 pts due 4/17View Programming 1: Calculations.pptReminder: in code * means multiplication and / means division,View add2nums.html and try inputting numbers and clicking on the button.. Try 3numberavg.html too. Study the code in the files. Review formsYou should see what code inputs information from the form, converts that information to a number, does the calculation and outputs the result of the calculation back to the form. On the form, in the body, there should be a text box for each input and output and a button to start the calculation on the input from the form and post the output to the form.Using 3numberavg.html as a model, create the file fourlegs.html by editing 3numberavg.html. It should have a form and a Javascript function patterned after 3numberavg.html that calculates the number of legs on a truckload of 4 legged chairs, given the number of chairs in the truck as input. Test your code and correct it if it’s wrong. Ask questions if you’re stuck. Zip and submit the file fourlegchairs.html as Wk 11 Javascript Part 2. You should be able to decide on the input(s) and output and translate the calculation into Javascript. Testing: You need to try your code out, that is, test it, to see if it works. Try it with a couple of different sets of data to see if thecalculation is done correctly. If not, modify the program and test again. One set of data is 100 for chairs and legs should calculate to 400Part 3 20 pts, due 4/24Calculations based on decisions based on quantitative conditions that are specified by relational expressions. Reading and following the logic of flowchartsRead about flowcharts in the Decisions powerpoint. Find the resulting value of the variables A,B,C, for the max3 numbers flowchart with each of the given data sets A,B,C 1) 5,10,15 (2) 10,15,5, (3) 15, 5, 10, substituted for the variables A,B and C. Follow the flow of the logic step by step. You will have to make a second decision after making a first one, Each decision is either true or false and based on a comparison of two pieces of data. Remember A>B false means A<=B true (or B>=A true) This flowchart describes an algorithm for finding the maximum of the three numbers in variables A,B,C. Use the flowchart, Do the answers make sense? Now try the flowchart Tuition Flowchart.docx for three different sets of data. Each set of data consists of an upper case state name abbreviation and a number of credits, from 1 to 18. Students from CT, NY and NJ pay instate tuition at WCSU. T is the tuition that is calculated. Use the following for data: 1) CT, 12, 2) NY,10, 3) FL, 10. Hand in the data with the resulting tuition calculated using the flowchart for each in a Word file tuit.docx as Week 13 Javascript Part 3 flowPart 4 10 pts, due 4/24 Draw a flowchaet (with Word or on paper or another way) and take a photo or save it and submit it. The flowchart should 1. Input a number into variable T that is a test score 3. Make a decision iif it is a pass of 60 or more and 4. Write a message as to whether the test was either a pass or fail. Submit a file PassorFail.docx or PassorFail.jpg or some other format.

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