-Research paper of 4 pages not including work cited page on “Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughs.
-Must include minimum of 6 cited sources one of them being the original poem.
-Quotes and in text citations needed.
-Must answer the following questions:
1. What political/social issues does this poem reflect on? Am I interested in the past and present history of this issue?
2. What is the author’s opinion on this issue? Do I agree/disagree?
3. How does the author express visor her opinion on this issue?
4. Can I think of modern day perceptions about this issue?
5. Can I think of biblical verses or stories that speak to this issue?
6. Will I be able to find enough research on this issue?
1. Historical context of a social/political issue
2. Authors position on the issue, as presented in the work
3. Modern perception of the issue
4. Biblical perspective of the issue

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