Janice Joplin Kates is a US Senate candidate. She recently approached your execu

Janice Joplin Kates is a US Senate candidate. She recently approached your executive committee about her interests and passion.
Your organization is People’s Cause, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization advocating on behalf of individuals without health care insurance.
Candidate Kates is hoping to join your board of directors, in her words “immediately” so that she can help promote your cause. She also requests the use of the People’s Cause facility to hold a “Young People’s Beer Fest” meet and greet to engage them in campaigning activities.
She promises to have adequate security and trained bartenders to ensure compliance with the law. She will donate $50 to cover the cost of using the 5,000 square feet facility.
Candidate Kates says she’s coming to your major event next month, and since she will be on the board, she would like to be the keynote speaker. Candidate Kates plans on bringing bumper stickers, pens, posters, and the like with the slogan “This is My Cause…This Is Your Vote…I’m the Only Candidate Endorsed by People’s Cause”.
She would like to have something in writing confirming her appointment, the event, and confirmation as the keynote speaker.
As a member of the board, what are your thoughts about Candidate Kates’s overall proposal?
Do you have concerns about any or all of the pieces of the proposal?
Do you have any legal concerns about Candidate Kates’s proposal?