An explanation of how a genogram would be useful in social work practice.

For this Assignment, you develop a genogram of your own family or a family with which you are familiar. You then reflect on that experience and apply your learning to social work practice.
A completed genogram of your own family or a family with which you are familiar (as a pasted screenshot, PDF, or image),
A reflection on what you learned by completing the genogram
An explanation of how a genogram would be useful in social work practice.
An example from the genogram you created or the Hernandez Family genogram to illustrate the application of this tool in social work.

It is your ability to think critically and demonstrate your thinking that is being examined.

What then constitutes a “good” answer for a case study? For starters, a good answer demonstrates an ability to clearly define a problem based on the story/information presented. Furthermore, it offers an insightful solution to the problem that is well reasoned, and the reasoning is supported with relevant evidence. How you arrive at your answer is at least as important as the answer itself. It is your ability to think critically and demonstrate your thinking that is being examined.
Step 1
First, understand the issues surrounding Kimberly Rogers. Read the Globe and Mail article: “Inquest to Probe House-arrest Death”.
Step 2
Prepare an initial posting. In your initial posting, include the following:
In light of what you have learned from the unit’s resources, state what you believe is the main or primary issue for this case.
Propose at least one recommended course of action in light of the problem as you have defined it. Be sure to cite which unit resources you are drawing upon the support your position.

How is restorative justice different than the current model of criminal justice?

This assignment will enable you to reflect upon your learning this semester, and directly from the experience of macro social worker engaged in community organizing. Be sure to read all the directions below including the grading rubric.
Directions: Listen Episode 9 on Keno Walker, community organizer. Access the episode here:
After listening to the episode, answer the following questions:
1. What does Keno mean when he talks about not having the words to describe his experience? How will this influence your social work practice?
2. Keno talks about the “school-to-prison pipeline.” What is this? What can social workers do about it?
3. How is restorative justice different than the current model of criminal justice? Why should this matter to social workers?
Writing Skills:
 Double spaced
 1” margins
 12 pt Times New Roman Font
 3 pages max

○ evaluate the author’s authority or background.

Instructions for the 2 articles below for each one, write a 275 word description ( as it says below of each one) two pages total. One page for each article.
citation in apa 7 th
Annotated bibliographies provide you with the opportunity to cite, summarize, and compare and contrast resources you will use in a project. You will cite each resource in APA style, write an approximately 275-word description that summarizes the central theme and scope of the resource.
For an Annotated Bibliography, the following critical elements must be addressed:
● Summarize the central theme of the resource.
● Include a paragraph in which you do the following:
○ Evaluate the author’s authority or background.
○ Explain how this resource will work in conjunction with other cited works to illuminate the topic of interest. ( topic of interest is sex trafficking in america today)

What is puzzling you as you are reading at present?

Instructions read chapter 7 and 8 and reflect:
Please write a one-page reflective journal response for your required readings this week. Your journal entries are required to be thoughtful and are to be as different as you can make them from week to week. Please review the following questions to help prompt your weekly journal readings and reflections.
Is what you are currently reading/viewing or studying challenging you in any way? In what way?
What is puzzling you as you are reading at present? (About the author, ideas, etc.) What specific questions are being raised by what you are reading?
Can you make any connections between what you are reading/viewing and everyday life, history, situations in the world, any other subject you are studying, or your own life?
What are you learning about yourself from what you are reading/viewing/studying? (Your own values, attitudes, and beliefs)