Research Topic


Write a research paper on the following topic:

Cybersecurity (also known as computer security or IT security) is information security as applied to computing devices including the Internet impacts businesses of all types. Outline how businesses have protected themselves from cybersecurity threats, and its impact on their working and competitiveness. Suggest a company that handled cybersecurity threats and developed mechanisms to maintain its working and competitiveness.

Please follow the format below:


  • Paper should relate to some of the related concepts as specified in chapter 10, chapter extension 14, and Cybersecurity Portfolio.pdf file attachment. Besides, appropriate concepts outlined in other chapters or online can also be included to substantiate the paper.
  • Make sure your paper focuses on the issues raised by the assignment topic. Section your paper as suggested in the template below so that it is easy to understand and follow. Make each template requirement as section title in the paper. The template structure is as follows:

Please create each bullet point as a topic

  • Describe cybersecurity in general.
  • Describe how cybersecurity impacts business in general.
  • Describe some company and its working/competitive environment. Anytime a company is described, make sure the company description provides details like its products, its history, etc. even if the company is widely known.
  • Outline how the selected company is handling cybersecurity threats to maintain its working and competitiveness. Provide instances of threats encountered and steps undertaken that are properly referenced.

Data Analysis

Imagine your organization is going to build an application utilizing Big Data and Machine Learning. You are going to propose your idea to upper management with supporting system design. Develop an APA-formatted paper that presents a detailed analysis and research-based information pertaining to ALL of the following topics

  • List and describe the type of data you will need for your application, and how you will ensure the quality of the data.
  • List and explain the technologies, tools, and software packages that will be used to build the application.
    • Provide the design of your Big Data database. Explain why you chose the database compared to others. Also, include supporting theories for the schema you came up with.
    • Describe in detail why the chosen technologies are adequate to process the data.
    • List and describe the types of the statistical analysis methods that will be used.
  • List and describe the benefits from the customers perspective and organizations perspective. Please pinpoint where the benefits are drawn from data, technology, software package, process, and etc.
  • List and describe the concerns and downsides that may be introduced by the application and the Big Data from multiple perspectives law, regulations, social, etc. Provide solutions, processes, application modules, etc. that mitigate the concerns, problems, issues.
  • Provide a data flow diagram, database design, and sample code of a module for your application.


Review Section 1.3 on effective versus ineffective security governance in Westby, J. R., and Allen, J. H. (2007), Governing for Enterprise Security (GES) Implementation Guide, which is located in your Module 3 readings (and available online from ).   Compare and contrast the effectiveness criteria in Table 1 on pp. 8-9 of Westby and Allen (2007) with Table 25.3 on pp. 287-288 of Hopkin (2014).  Be sure to identify any effectiveness criteria from Westby and Allen (2007) that you believe should be added to the criteria outlined in Hopkin (2014). 



This unit’s assignment asks you to consider all elements discussed in chapter 20 and 21. Answer the questions below in a 2 full-page (minimum) paper and provide examples or use additional resources to highlight your points. You paper should have a solid introduction, body and conclusion (hint: assume that the reader of your paper has not read chapters 20 or 21 – what key points from the chapters would you share with them?)

  • Performance evaluation of a portfolio is difficult. What challenges can investment managers face and what recommendations would you make in effort to meet these challenges?
  • Portfolio insurance has always had an intuitive appeal to investors, particularly if the cost isn’t too great. What are some advantages and disadvantages that investment managers should be aware of? 

asignment network design


You Have Been Asked To Design A LAN For A Very Successful CPA Firm With Five Departments In One Building And A Total Of 560 Employees. Currently, The Firm Has No Networked Computers, And It Is Open To Any Suggestions You Can Offer. The Firm Does Have A Few Requirements:
It Wants To Make Sure That It Can Easily Expand Its LAN In The Future Without Exorbitant Costs And Moving A Lot Of Equipment.
Every Department Must Have Very Fast Access To The LAN.
The LAN Must Remain Up At All Times.
Must Use The Windows Operating System.Determine What Kind Of LAN Your Team Will Design For This Company.
Deliverable Instructions:
Create A 1 Page Executive Summary To Summarize Your Design, Followed By A 4 To 5 Page Paper With Diagrams About The Detailed Network Design.
Put These In One Word Document In APA Format.

Python program: Prediction with Logistic Regression


The file Invistico_Airline_LR.csv contains information from an airline using the alias Invistico Airline on customer satisfaction, as well as details on each customer. The columns of interest are Gender, Age, Class, Arrival_Delay_in_Minutes, and satisfaction.

  • Read the file Invistico_Airline_LR.csv into a data frame.
  • Obtain user defined values female, age, economy, and delay.
  • Re-code the categorical variables Gender, Class, and satisfaction into dummy variables.
  • Create a new data frame X from the predictor variables Gender_female, Age, Class_Eco, and Arrival_Delay_in_Minutes, in that order.
  • Create a response variable Y from the dummy variable satisfaction_satisfied.
  • Perform logistic regression on X and Y.
  • Use the user defined values to predict the probability that a customer with those values is satisfied.

Ex: If the input is 1 34 0 10 the ouput is:
