see below

 In this assignment, you will complete a comprehensive psychiatric assessment interview of an child/adolescent adult who is 18 years of age suicidal a college student having auditory hallucinatinations and a family history of schizophrenia. Recently diagnosed as schizoaffective disorder You can use a patient youve seen in clinical or someone in your personal life. Your assessment should be comprehensive, and you should refer to course texts to inform items for inclusion in your assessment. Keep in mind that you will be responsible for covering those areas addressed in the reading assignments up to this point.  



Health care reforms and immigrants

Several US states with large numbers of undocumented immigrants have undertaken health reforms to address the health needs of this population. The medical community is clear that metropolitan authorities have an ethical reason to address the health needs of immigrants because immigration has consequences in the practice of medicine as well as the delivery of health services (Montoya-Williams et al., 2020). The health reforms are motivated by the idea that the lack of insurance or health programs for immigrants has implications for health-seeking behavior and adverse physiological consequences. 

Designing institutional-based policies and programs targeting undocumented people is a social aspect. The programs are identified by local stakeholders who implement welcoming policies and strategies in areas where undocumented immigrants reside (Montoya-Williams et al., 2020). The programs also employ community-based participatory research. For example, immigrants disclose information about themselves because of assurance it will only be used for health reasons. Change agents also disseminate information about participating health facilities to ensure undocumented immigrants engage or develop health-seeking behavior.

Most immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, and other Central American countries should get health insurance or access health in the US because they provide labor. Further, immigrants with temporary visas should also access health because they provide specialized skills and labor to the US. Providing health care is also part of economic inclusion, where the aim is to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. For example, ACA or Obama Care extended insurance coverage to legal immigrants. Employers were required to provide health covers to discretionary immigrants as long as they were providing labor to their companies (Joseph & Marrow, 2017). The program extended health insurance to millions of immigrants and helped promote economic equity by reducing disproportionate or excess spending of personal income on health.

As a result, in order to build better policies, immigration policy reforms must be evaluated seriously. In some cases, though, immigration has shifted native perceptions toward a more positive and open-minded view of diversity. Natives may lose certain aspects of their traditions, but they also have the opportunity to learn about other cultures from immigrants from all over the world and that, far from being a difficulty, becomes a reason for enrichment and openness to plurality.


Joseph, T. D., & Marrow, H. B. (2017). Health care, immigrants, and minorities: lessons from the affordable care act in the US. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies43(12), 1965-1984.

Montoya-Williams, D., Fuentes-Afflick, E., & Wallis, K. (2020). The case for research-informed immigrant health policies within health care systems. JAMA network open3(4), e203022-e203022.

REPLY Cristina Hernandez Machado WEEK 7


According to the worlds history, the migration of people is expected. The movement of people to developed countries can be prompted by famines, the need for economic opportunities, and war. However, with time, concerns have been raised over the policies put forward to address the migration of people. Specific times call for particular policies for immigrants. For example, after WWII, many immigrants and refugees were allowed into the United States, which helped restore the economic crises that other countries were facing. As a result, the number of immigrants reduced drastically (Kirk O. Hanson, 2019). However, the United States immigration Policy has become contentious over the years. There is no substantial update to the laws of immigration despite the favor that the immigration reforms have to the Americans. Generally, there has been a decline in wars and conflicts worldwide, but the increasing poverty levels and the conflicts persistence have increased the number of refugees. In addition, significant developments in the United States have prompted more economic immigrants. Families have moved to developed countries in search of higher living standards. The superiority of higher education in the United States has been of great interest to most immigrants.

Many developed countries have developed a new set of policies for immigration because of the changed conditions. However, the policymakers in the United States do not seem to agree on how to handle the immigration pressures they face. Policies should be put in place to establish how many immigrants get into the United States and the eligible persons (Dunlap & J.D., 2019). The policies should also specify the difference between refugees, economic immigrants, and US citizens family members. The policies should be clear on the actions to be taken on the individuals who entered the US without authorization, how to treat individuals at the borders seeking entry, and the rights of the individuals authorized to enter the United States.

Some ethical principles that should be addressed include empathy and the need to understand the reason behind the migration into the US. This is because many individuals are affected by environmental changes and collapsing economies worldwide; therefore, individuals seeking entry should not be dismissed because they lack the proper documents. The other principle is non-discrimination (Kirk O. Hanson, 2019). America should offer equal opportunities to allow cultural diversity. Membership rights should also be reviewed, and many residents who have lived in the US for long without documentation should be offered some form of protection. Finally, the US should fulfill its commitment to caring for immigrants and refugees who seek economic survival and security. It is unfortunate that the various principles have been ignored in the immigration policy reform debates.


Kirk O. Hanson. (2019). Ethical Principles for Immigration Reform in 2019. @SantaClaraUniv.

Dunlap, C., & J.D. (2019, February 26). The ethical challenges of immigration activism. Lawfire.

SOAP NOTE Laboratory for Diagnosis, Symptom and Illness Management week 9

Soap Note 1 “ADULT”  Wellness check up (10 points)

Follow the  Soap Note:

Use APA format and must include mia minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.

Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)

Turn it in’ s Score must be less than 25% or will not be accepted for credit; it must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 25%. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated and will receive a grade of 0 (zero) with no resubmissions allowed.

Must use the sample templates for your soap note. Keep this template for when you start clinicals. 

The use of templates is ok with regards to Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, Assessment, and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made-up patient. 

week 5 discusiion

 Dilemma #1:  The student nurse is completing the preceptorship at the local hospital and cares for a young adult patient for the three nights she and her preceptor are on duty.  On the last night for the week, while she is talking to the patient about a planned discharge, the patient asks the student to be friends on face book.  What should the student nurse do? 

discussion 1

 Discussion 1, write about ONE of the nursing theories discussed in class, in the videos, or in the Text book. Be sure to state the level of theory (grand, middle, etc) then a paragraph that explains the basics of the theory, then a paragraph in which you give your thoughts and impressions about the theory. You can compare it to other theories, or cite your experience in health care (either as worker or patient). You must cite all references used in the discussion.