Writer’s Choice

My professor wants me to write a one page double space essay in times new Roman font about the movie Goodfellas and it’s director Martin Socrese. I am going to attach a picture showing more in depth what she wants me to write about.

The play Hamilton

Hello and welcome to Paper #3. I am writing a lot in this descriiption to offer a lot of guidance so that you can take this paper assignment step-by-step. Please follow these instructions carefully.

This is not a research paper, it is more like a long essay for a final exam (but we will never have an exam in our class!).

Please watch your selected play (some will have a play assigned by me) and associated material in your coursework folder. Look for one or more “theme(s)” of the work. Choose just one theme for this paper. Please use the definition of “theme” from our class materials. Do not use outside sources for this paper. See the lecture video re: six essential elements of theatre in your coursework folder, Week 2.

* Identify a useful theme from the performance/production that you watched. Avoid finding a “lesson to be learned” (keep reading this assignment for more about this).
* Use descriiptive criticism to identify, describe and explain that theme. Use at least three theatrical examples and one dramatic example to support your claim (see difference between theatrical/performed and dramatic/text-based examples). Your paper should be at least six paragraphs (intro/claim, four supporting examples, conclusion/so what?)
* Come to a conclusion still using descriiptive criticism for your last paragraph that uses one or more of the five functions of art from the “What is Art For?” short video, also in your Week 4 folder. (Remember, a conclusion is not a summary, it is a ‘so what?’ – use the “What is Art For?” video to help you find a ‘so what?’)

Re: theatrical examples – look for how things are done in the performance you watch. For example, “Troy is stunned to hear of the death” is a dramatic/text-based example because this happens in the scriipt and in any performance by any actor anywhere. Instead look for examples like this, “When Denzel Washington as Troy learns of the death he loses his balance and has to lean on the dresser to avoid collapsing to the floor. This is a theatrical/performance-based example because it is how Denzel Washington performed for us that Troy was stunned by the news of the death. Look for more theatrical elements in the coursework folder re: elements. The Wilson five additional elements will be helpful to you (actor, audience, …. etc.)

Here is what to avoid:
Do not use sources from outside of assigned class materials. This is not a research paper; this is a carefully limited (focused) response paper that you can do after our work together to this point. If you must use an outside source, remember to cite it (and include in references).

IMPORTANT: Avoid reducing “theme” (the thought/agony of the work, see class lecture in the elements folder) to a “lesson to be learned” or a “moral to the story”. The best theater offers sophisticated experiences that are not easily reduced to a didactic instruction. We often use instructive theatre for children: ‘don’t be a bully’ or ‘appreciate your teacher’ is the kind of message we might put in theatre for children. You are an adult and are well-sick of being told what to do and how to do it. Instead, we like an experience we could not have on our own. We go to the theatre to be transported, to feel new feelings, to think new thoughts and to appreciate the complexity of life. Looking for a theme will be looking for the philosophical puzzle of the work. What is agonizing about it?

1. Watch your assigned play, documentary, interviews, etc. and look for one or more theme. Find the definition of “theme” from our lecture videos (elements). The theme is NOT the lesson to be learned. Please check with me if you think you have the definition but aren’t 100% sure.

Summary: Watch your play and associated content for “theme(s)”. Identify theatrical and dramatic examples to support your finding of a theme. Offer a conclusion/so what? that ties a function of art from the “What is Art for?” video to your performed play.

Content = 80% (identification of theme and use of theatrical examples to support the staging of that theme)
MLA formatting = 10% (including works cited page, cite class materials and your play)
Informative title = 10%
On time = priceless

Writing tips:
Make sure you create a complete, informative title (see videos regarding how to write a title).
Make sure the font is the same throughout your paper.
Make sure the title of the play you use is printed in italics. (This goes for films and books, too.)
Do not use contractions (don’t).
Use the full name of a person you would like to mention and then refer to them by their last name each time after that.

Research paper

To help you develop a deeper appreciation of theatre, you will write an informative paper. This research paper will give you an opportunity to study the history of theatre outside of the textbook and explore a topic that is interesting to you.
Please review the instructions below carefully to learn what is required for a successful assignment.
Begin by choosing one of the theatre history topics listed below.
Next, delve into the time and place in which it was developed and research its origin, key features, facts, and characteristics (if applicable).
Organize your findings into a paper using MLA format.
Use reliable, academic sources from the MDC Links to an external site.Learning Resources databasesLinks to an external site..
At the end of your report, include visuals related to the topic (playwrights, theatres, costumes, geography, performances, etc…)
SAVE your document as a .PDF file (In Word, click the “File” tab and click “Save As”. Select “PDF” from the Save as drop-down list.)
UPLOAD and SUBMIT your .pdf file

Please choose one of the following topics as the focus of your paper:
Commedia dell’arte
Elizabethan Theatre
Greek Tragedy
Japanese Kabuki Theatre
Japanese Noh Theatre
Modern Theatre
Mystery, Miracle, or Morality Plays
Theatre of the Absurd
Theatre of the Oppressed
Rock Musicals and Rock Operas
Below are a few questions to help guide your research once you’ve chosen a topic:
What role did theatre play in society?
What political/historical events happened that affected the arts?
What were some famous playwrights and what makes them so well known?
What were known and still performed plays from the time? 
The length requirement of this paper is 700 words. Please be advised that writing tutors are available on Miami Dade College campuses and virtually.
GIVE yourself time to plan, write, revise, and edit your writing.
FORMULATE a thesis statement that communicates the main idea or purpose of your paper.
CREATE an outline to organize your ideas.
SUPPORT ideas using examples and details.
USE transitional devices and proofread for spelling and grammar errors.
CITE all sources using MLA style
Consult the Purdue OWL websiteLinks to an external site. for MLA format guidelines
12 point font
Double spaced
Times New Roman font
Works Cited page

Samuel Beckett and the theatre of the absurd

Samuel Beckett’s plays are prime examples of the Theater of the Absurd. Outline several distinguishing features of this style that Beckett helped foster and explore illustrative examples from his work. You are free to research and quote other critical writings on the play(s) or topic(s) but should keep use of quotes to their bare essence and always elaborate on it or explain how you agree or disagree with it. Build your arguments with specific
examples instead of making vague and general statements.

Performance Review

Performance Review: Watch the adaptation of Bertolt Brecht’s The Three Penny Opera (National Theatre Collection database, available through the U of A Library system)
and write a 2-3 page review of the production. What’s interesting about this adaptation of Brecht’s play? How does the creative team shape the world of the play and shapes the viewing experience of the audience? Why this play/production now? Make sure your paper has a clear thesis based on your interpretation of the directorial vision and that you comment on the different design aspects. Your understanding and evaluation of the production should be evident from the beginning and should be supported by examples. Remember that this review requires a critical engagement with the show and its aesthetics, so avoid lengthy descriiptions, plot summaries or comments based on preferences (I like/love, I hate…). Concentrate instead on how the production reflects directorial/design choices and highlights the themes of the play (possibly even reinterpreting them for a contemporary audience). Your review should be well structured and closely edited for clarity, grammar, and syntax. It should be written in Times New Roman 12; double-spaced; 1-inch margin all around; it should have a title. Once you are finished, submit your review through eclass. Due October 31.

M2.1 AH Anna in the Tropics Assignment

For this assignment, you will apply your knowledge and understanding of the seven components of a play.
Begin by reading How to Read a Play Download How to Read a Play.
Next, read the 2003 Pulitzer Prize-winning play, Anna in the Tropics, by Nilo Cruz.
It should take approximately 1 hour to read the play.
Helpful Hint: Listening to a performance of the play as you take notes can be very helpful. Listen to Anna in the Tropics, starring Jimmy Smits for free! (Links to an external site.)
PLEASE NOTE: This play will be included in future graded assignments.
DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE the M2L1_Analysis_Reading_Handout.docx Download M2L1_Analysis_Reading_Handout.docx as you read the scriipt.
SAVE your document as a .PDF file (In Word, click the “File” tab and click “Save As”. Select “PDF” from the Save as drop-down list.)
SUBMIT your completed Analysis Handout to this assignment.