Objectives and CCSS

Part A
• For each topic listed, find an appropriate CCSS from the corestandards.org website, and copy/paste the COMPLETE standard into the table. Make sure to refer to the grade level first. You can use any grades from kindergarten to 2nd grade.
• Write an instructional objective that would directly link to the standard.
• Identify your targeted Bloom’s level.

Learning Objective
Bloom’s Level
1. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Objective (type directly into the box)

2. Craft and Structure


Culture and Education

Answer the following questions below:
What is your own view of the two concepts of schooling and education?
Answer the following questions based on your exploration of the websites for the 2 professional groups listed in this section (CAE, AERA): How do you become involved? Which professional group(s) would you join and why?

Find 1 or 2 organizations in your area that focus on education. Identify the organizations and their purposes. Discuss if and how their objectives and methods relate to the anthropological study of education.

NAEYC Core Values Activity

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment
As an early childhood educator, you will often run into situations that require the application of NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment. While this document is important, it can sometimes feel lengthy and hard to remember. Choose one the following methods to change this written statement into something more intriguing, interesting, and easier to comprehend:
Rewrite the Code of Ethics as a pictogram and attach.
Rewrite the Code of Ethics into a song or a poem and attach.
Rewrite the Code of Ethics into a children’s book using Storyjumper https://www.storyjumper.com and attach.
Rewrite the Code of Ethics into a poster for your classroom and attach.
For your discussion, attach your Code of Ethics revision and explain why you have selected this approach. If you have created a visual (such as a poster, book, or pictogram), explain in detail what your visual looks like and the word selections you used. If you created a song or poem, include the lyrics within your post.

Start Here Start now

write a one-page response to something in the book that really spoke to you as an educator.
Example of writing:
• What was it about this piece of literature that will change the way you relate to students, peers, parents, or your administrator?
• How will this book help to shape the framework of your educational philosophy?
• How did this book reinforce or strengthen your commitment to become an educator?
• What really stood out in this book and changed your perspective regarding the field of education?
– you can just choose one to write about.
The book is called Start here Start now by Liz Kleinrock.

Developmental Stages of Writing and Spelling

Need a PowerPoint detailing the developmental stages of writing and spelling. One of the references can be the textbook Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities. Review the files for further instructions. I would use 2 slides for each stage and put the reference used for that stage on the same slide

Modified Lesson Plan 6-12

Review the Lesson plan. Complete the modifications listed at the bottom of the lesson plan. Answer the questions (How will you modify the lesson plan etc)
Please make it simple and easy to understand. Don’t get too technical.