Set of instructions for a website (with description of the application of personas)

Writing Assignment #2
Set of Instructions for a Local Website and
Descriiption of Accommodating Your Personas
Summary of the Assignment:
• Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain how to
accomplish a task on a website at a local institution. You will also write a brief
descriiption of how the personas that you wrote for writing assignment #1 informed this
• Length: There is no minimum or maximum word count on the set of instructions.
However, your instructions must have 8 or more steps. More information on the number
of steps is provided below.
• Graphics: You must include at least one graphic for each step.
o At least 8 graphics should be integrated into your set of instructions.
o All graphics should be screen captures of the website you are demonstrating.
o All graphics should be labeled.
• Incorporating the personas into this assignment: You will write a descriiption of 100
to 200 words indicating to the instructor how your instructions accommodate the
personas you wrote in writing assignment #1.
For this assignment, it is acceptable to write a set of instructions on how to accomplish a
task on a mobile device. An example of this approach would be a set of instructions on
how to download an app to borrow library books from your local library.
Brief Descriiption and Strategies to Follow:
Please keep in mind the following principles when writing this assignment:
• You must provide instructions on how to accomplish a task on a website. The website
should be for a regional or local organization or company in your area. For
example, you could write about how to order a pizza from a local pizza shop in your
town. You could write about how to purchase an item from a local shop in your area (not
from Amazon).
• The organization or company can be national. However, the set of instructions you write
must involve a local or regional location for that national organization. For example, you
can write about how to arrange a rental tool online at Home Depot, provided that you are
arranging the rental at a local Home Depot location.
• If you have questions about whether your topic will work, please contact your instructor
for approval or for suggestions on the topic.�
• Whether you choose a local establishment or a national organization with regional
locations, the important features of your set of instructions will be that they are written to
a general audience but also accommodate the specific personas that you wrote for writing
assignment #1.
Some examples of topics are the following. (Keep in mind that you may select your own
topic. These are just examples to help you consider various topics.)
o how to check your balance in your checking account online at your local bank or
credit union
o how to find and borrow a book on your local public library’s website
o how to order a chabchae dish from the local Korean restaurant in your area
o how to locate a product on your local Craigslist site and contact the seller to
arrange for purchase and pickup
o how to order a large pizza online from a local pizzeria in your neighborhood
o how to pay a fee on the website for the Motor Vehicle Association in Maryland
(or the equivalent for your state)
• You must have at least 8 steps.
• Each step is to be numbered and is to begin with an imperative verb, as the resources in
the class indicate.
• Every step will include a picture or graphic to help the reader follow the instructions.
Sections to Include in Your Set of Instructions:
The set of instructions will include the following sections:
• Title
• Overview or Introduction with background information about why a user would want to
accomplish the task you are describing.
• Instructions
o number all of the main steps, as the resources for the class indicate
o provide a graphic for steps of the instructions
▪ all graphics will be screen captures of the website.
▪ all graphics should be labeled
• A descriiption of how the instructions accommodate the personas. Remember, each one
of your personas had at least one pain point or one unique situation that needs
attention in your set of instructions. Your instructions for this assignment will
accommodate each persona’s pain points or unique situation. It is in this section of the
assignment that you describe how you accommodated them.�
Helpful Guides and Resources:
• Chapter 10 from Tebeaux and Dragga, which is available in the e-reserves section of the
class, is a helpful document to review as you begin this assignment.
• The Tech Writing Handbook by Dozuki, which is one of the resources listed in our class,
has an appendix that provides tips in writing instructions and incorporating graphics into
• The Mayfield Handbook, which is also one of the resources listed in our class, features
excellent tips on writing instructions.
o Section 2.8.3 of the handbook, Instructions and Procedures, will be particularly
• Two sample sets of instructions are provided in our class in LEO.

Writing Assignment #5 Briefing Paper

Summary of the Assignment:
• Task: In this paper, you will write a briefing paper that provides information about a
specific problem in an industry or field of study. The paper will also include a possible
solution to the problem.
The problem can be a technical problem, a logistical problem, a human resource problem,
a performance problem, or any other issue that the industry or field is dealing with.
You will respond to a discussion topic in week 3 about potential topics for the briefing
paper, and you will post a memo to your instructor in a discussion topic in week 5 about
your topic for the briefing paper. Your instructor should approve of the topic before you
submit your first draft of the briefing paper.
• Length: 1200-1500 words, single-spaced
• Graphics: at least two graphics. The graphics can be original, or they can be borrowed
from other sources, with the sources cited in APA format
• Format in Citing and Listing Sources: APA 7
th edition
• Number of Sources: five or more sources, at least three of which have to be obtained
through OneSearch
Brief Descriiption of the Briefing Paper:
In the workplace, often employees are asked to write a briefing paper to higher-level
administrators on a problem in their particular industry. The paper will also present some
potential solutions to the problem.
Some examples are as follows:
• An employee working in the cybersecurity field might be asked to write a briefing paper
on the security problems in using Internet of Things (IoT) devices for smart cities. The
paper might make the point for blockchain technology as a solution to this problem.
• An employee working in the human resource management field might be asked to write a
briefing paper on the problem of keeping employees engaged while they work remotely.
The paper might argue that monthly town hall meetings on Zoom and some small face-toface gatherings among employees who live in close proximity are a potential solution to
this problem.
• An employee working at a community college or university might be asked to write a
briefing paper on the problems of helping working students succeed in college as they
navigate their demanding schedules. The paper might argue that flexible due dates on
assignments is a potential solution to this problem.
• An employee in the information technology field might be asked to write a briefing paper
on better ways to train employees on how to detect phishing scams in email messages at
work. The paper might argue that infrequent online cybersecurity training is ineffective
and that quarterly, face-to-face training sessions are needed as a solution to this problem.
Strategies to Consider for the Briefing Paper:
Please follow these guidelines:
Write to an audience in a particular industry or field with a clear problem to solve. The
briefing paper can have a fairly broad audience, but the paper should focus on a particular
problem that individuals are experiencing.
For example, you could write a briefing paper on better ways of training employees to detect
phishing scams. The audience would be a broad range of managers and IT professionals.
However, the problem they all share would be clear: Employees have fallen for phishing email
scams, and this trend has allowed hackers to access confidential data.
You could write a briefing paper on why blockchain technology should be used to improve
security for smart cities. The audience would be a broad range of municipal leaders, both in IT
and in administrative areas of city government. However, the problem they all share would be
clear: With smart cities on the rise, the technology used in smart cities leaves residents
vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks.
You could write a briefing paper on better ways of helping working students succeed in
community college. The audience would be a broad range of community college administrators.
However, the problem they all share would be clear: Current approaches to teaching working
adults in community college are not helping a significant number of students succeed as they
pursue their degrees.
Integrate research, both to demonstrate the existence of the problem and to illustrate the
efficacy of the solution.
How to Organize the Briefing Paper:
Please include the following sections in your briefing paper:
• Executive Summary
• The Problem
• A Potential Solution
• Summary
• References
In the Executive Summary, summarize your research and your purpose in no more than 250 words. The
executive summary should be a stand-alone document. It should be written in such a way that a busy
executive could read the executive summary and have an overall understanding of what the paper is about
without reading the rest of the paper.
In the The Problem section, you will describe the problem in the industry and why current approaches
are not working to solve it. For example, if you are writing a briefing paper about a new way to train
employees on how to detect and ward off phishing scams, you would review what training procedures are
being conducted now by most companies to help them detect and ward off phishing scams. You could
show the challenges or problems that the current training program has. You might show that employees
are still falling prey to phishing scams despite this training, or that employees find the training
uninspiring, boring, and routine.
In this section of the briefing paper, your use of sources will be important. You should integrate research
to show that the problems you have identified exist. For example, in the situation described above, you
would need sources to give evidence that employees find training ineffective.
In the A Potential Solution section, you will describe a new approach to addressing the problem you
have identified.
For example, if you are writing a briefing paper about a new way to train employees on how to detect and
ward off phishing scams, you would show why a new approach to training employees on phishing scams
would be more effective than the current approaches. Perhaps the current approaches are boring online
tutorials, and you are proposing exciting onsite training sessions complete with scenarios, role-playing,
and group work.
You would want to integrate research to show that your new approaches might be superior. For example,
you might cite a study that indicates that online tutorials are boring and that employees want more
interaction. Overall, the more research, the more persuasive your argument will be.
In the Summary section, you briefly review what the problem is, how the research shows that is is a
problem, and what the potential new approach is. This section should not be more than 200 words.
In the References, you will list your sources that you cited in the paper. You will list them in APA 7
edition format.
You are required to have at least five sources for your paper. In addition, at least three of them are to be
from scholarly journals or from credible trade journals. This means that you will want to make use of the
UM Library OneSearch function, which is demonstrated in the class.
Length of the Paper:
Your briefing paper should be 1200-1500 words in length. The paper should be single-spaced.
You are required to use at least five sources, with at least three of them coming from scholarly or
credible trade journals.
Your briefing paper should incorporate at least two graphics. Graphics can include tables, charts,
or graphs showing some research findings. They can also be pull quotes that draw readers’
attention to an argument.
For example, using the situation described previously, you could integrate the following:
• a table that illustrates what percentage of companies use online tutorials to train their
employees on phishing attacks
• a graph that shows how training on phishing has increased while successful phishing
attacks have also increased, thus demonstrating the ineffectiveness of the training.
• a pull quote that highlights a point made by one of your sources on the ineffectiveness of current training methods
Due Date:
Your instructor will notify you of the due date. You will write a first draft, your instructor will
comment on the first draft, and you will submit a second draft using the comments as your guide.

Writer’s Choice

Instructions are in the word document. I am choosing topic 1.
Info for essay.
What lesson I learned from my grandfather when I was younger was that A person who believes they know everything is a person who have closed their interest and willingness to learn. I was thought this when I was playing golf with my grandfather in Norway, Oslo where I lived. Now I live in Florida and study while playing college golf .

Short Discussion

After finishing the novella this week, can you explain why the foreword says this story might be a parable?
Remember to comment on a peer’s post before the deadline.
Remember a decent size paragraph or 125 words should do the trick for your post and the comment on your peer’s post.
Make sure to use textual evidence (quotations) when, where, and if needed, and review the handout I sent out a week ago or so that explains how to provide in-text citations via MLA and how to produce a correct Works Cited page.
Use the website below to help you to complete the assignment.

Read through the two example Summary/Response Papers.Then, answer the following questions. Articles will be attached.

1. Which paper do you find more interesting? Why is that? What made this paper a better read for you? Please be as specific as possible.
2. Have either of the two authors left out any crucial information that prevented you from fully understanding the articles? As a rule, summaries should include all relevant information for readers – who, what, where, when, why, and how. Identify any missing information that these authors may have missed – what else do you want to know about the articles?
3. Provide at least two suggestions for each paper’s author. These could be mechanical (individual sentence structures, grammar, spelling, etc.), or qualitative in nature – just letting the author know in your own words how the essays could have been stronger for you.