Annotated Bibliography Including: 6 various sources: 0 – 1 websites 0 – 1 online

Annotated Bibliography
6 various sources:
0 – 1 websites
0 – 1 online Mags or news
1 – 2 TED talks, documentary
0 – 1 Lecture
1 – 4 Scholarly Journal
Correct APA reference citations (Double spaced & Hanging Indent)
1 paragraph entry per source (Single spaced), including:
Summary of source information
Credibility of source (author’s credentials, .edu, trusted publication, etc)
Explain how source will help make your argument…Including the following ideas:
How does this piece support your work? does it contain: details that support your ideas, opposition from your point of view, someone’s personal experience

This is the second part of a multimodal research paper. The first part, I did on

This is the second part of a multimodal research paper. The first part, I did on writing about a climate change problem. I attached what I wrote below (CP). The second part of this is taking an advocate’s role. It has to talk about solution to the problem based on newly formed policies. I will have resources attached including a sample. Not to mention, it’s multimodal so pictures with captions, hyperlinks, and etc. are needed. It can’t sound boring with repetition. Not to mention the sources can’t just be all news. It should have government and academic sources. Will a draft be available by november 21 and can you bold the thesis?
This essay requires different kinds of research as well as some new and in-depth research on the problem’s effects and causes*. While the essay will primarily be about 1 best solution, you will also have to compare it against another solution.
Keep an open mind. Don’t pick the first solution you come across. Give yourself time to explore 5-7 different ideas and then pick the best from that.
This draft must have a strong argument (Solution Analysis Statement) that’s been revised several times and is evaluative instead of descriptive. You should have started developing your body paragraphs with different kinds of evidence, views of supporters and expert opinions. Your paper should be showing research into the solutions flaws and roadblocks—in other words you should be doing some form of SWOT analysis. I expect to see careful and effective word choice employing MERL and CCCCF terminology and vocabulary.
REMINDER: Solutions must be recent (not older than 2 years) and pending (they shouldn’t already be a law!)
Here are the steps to help you get started with researching for the different parts of this essay.
Solutions: Research several different types of solutions from both organizations as well as government sources.
Sponsors: Research credibility of the sponsors of the solutions you have chosen to discuss in your essay.
Supporters: You will need to find credible people and groups who support the BEST solution or the idea behind the solution (at least 3-4).
Opponents: You will need to find credible people and groups who oppose the BEST solution or the idea behind the solution (at least 3-4).
Analysis: You will have to next research commentators who analyze the BEST solutions’ effectiveness, or cost-benefit, or feasibility. You will find good commentary on solutions in newspaper editorial pages.
Weakness: You must be prepared to acknowledge a weakness or flaw in your BEST solution. This will show to your academic reader that you are being fair and objective and not a biased cheerleader.
Barriers/Roadblocks: What are some of the obstacles that stand in the way of your solution being passed? How strong are these? How do these affect the likely passage/adoption/implementation of your solution?
2nd Solution: While you will dedicate only 1 paragraph to the 2nd best solution in the essay, you should still be able to discuss its pros and cons expertly.
Supporters of 2nd best solution: You will need to find credible people and groups who support this solution or the idea behind the solution (at least 2).
Opponents: You will need to find credible people and groups who oppose this solution or the idea behind the solution (at least 2).
Analysis/Strength: You will have to research commentators who analyze this solutions’ effectiveness, or cost-benefit, or feasibility.
Rebuttal: In the 2nd best solution paragraph you will end with a robust rebuttal of the 2nd best policy being weaker compared to the best policy. Hence it is wise to consider in what ways the 2ndpolicy is weaker—less feasible, less, coverage, less cost-beneficial etc.?
What are some opportunities/good news that make you hopeful that your solution is likely to be adopted?
Solution Analysis: Why did solutions fail in the past? What could have made them work? How and why will this time around be different?
* Depending on the solution you may have to redefine and re-frame your problem to make solution match it perfectly. This will entail fresh research as well.
Here are more sources to find analysis, discussion of solutions from some cool news and advocacy organizations. But you also look in national and international newspapers for discussion of the ideas in your solutions.

Last week we discussed human population growth. This directly relates to the inc

Last week we discussed human population growth. This directly relates to the increased global consumption of goods. We use all kinds of disposable items throughout the day, week, or month and usually don’t think about their impact on the environment. Your assignment is to:
1. Choose a small consumer item, one that costs less than $5, is used daily or weekly, and that most people have in their homes or offices.
2. Once you select your consumer item, survey at least ten people around you (from various settings) (socially distant of course) and determine how often other people use this item and whether or not they recycle this item.
3. Include in your response a rough calculation of the ecological footprint of this item based on your research. (i.e. how many of these items are going to landfills every year and what is the ramifications? Does your product have harmful components?) Worry less about an exact number and more about the quality of your information and your discussion about the information.
4. Are there “green” alternatives for this product? Discuss them.
Using MLA or APA style, please write a 2-3 page, single-spaced paper that addresses these issues. Be sure to include a reference list at the end of your essay that includes all web sites, journals, articles, etc you may have used. You are not restricted to .org, .gov, or .edu websites, but you should use reputable sources. Use your best judgment.
NOTE: Please make sure you have not copied and pasted any information directly from a source. That is considered plagiarism and you will receive a zero for any assignments that contain information that is cut and pasted from sources.

Create a 2 page word document that utilizes the planning, monitoring and evaluat

Create a 2 page word document that utilizes the planning, monitoring and evaluation stages of Self Regulated Learners.
The planning and monitoring stages will be for Unit 5, while the evaluation stage will relate back to your performance on any and all assessments of Unit 4.
Answer the questions below for each of the stages. You are welcome to create an actual schedule for the lessons of the unit.
Planning stage
For each lesson of the Unit, how much time will you dedicate? Be specific in the total amount of time for that lesson, the length of each study period, and the number of days studying prior to the resulting quiz.
What study strategies will you use?
How will you avoid distractions?
Monitoring Stage
Present 3 situations or items that you must do to ensure that you have quality study time.
Where are you studying? Will you be able to move or go elsewhere if there are distractions?
Evaluation Stage (of the previous Unit)
How did you perform on each of the Unit quizzes?
What could you improve if you are disappointed in your grade?
What practice will you continue if you did well on your quizzes?

200 words each discussion board Lesson 4 People in developed nations are fond

200 words each discussion board
Lesson 4
People in developed
nations are fond of warning people in developing nations to stop destroying
rainforest. People of developing nations often respond that this is
hypocritical, because the developed nations became wealthy by deforesting their
land and exploiting its resources in the past. What would you say to the
president of a developing nation, such as Indonesia, in which a great deal of
forest is being cleared?
Lesson 5
Describe some
environmental health hazards that you think you may be living with
indoors. How do you think you may have been affected by indoor or outdoor
hazards in the past? How could you best deal with these hazards in the
Lesson 6
Read the Central Case
Study – Mining for …Cell Phone? in Chapter 11 of your course textbook.
Explore the implications of the excessive demands for resources from
Western nations. Share other newsworthy cases of conflict minerals and how
these are extracted from the earth in order to create the products that are
purchased by citizens from affluent nations. In your research, explain
why the mineral in question is deemed a “conflict mineral” and
address the issues that are created socially, economically and environmentally
when these raw minerals are extracted. Share some possible solutions to
alleviate the damage done to the environment and the people who are directly
impacted by the extraction of conflict minerals.
Lesson 7
In this discussion, let’s explore traditional energy sources
versus alternative, renewable energy sources.
What impacts
might you expect on your lifestyle once our society arrives at peak oil?
What steps do
you think we should take to avoid energy shortages in a post-peak-oil future?
Which type of
alternative energy sources should our nation consider and promote? Is it
possible to transition to purely renewable energy sources? What are the
implications and hidden costs of using renewable energy sources?
Research at
least 2 different energy sources that the USA have successfully implemented and
share the pros and cons of these energy sources. How can the USA improve
on the technology to harness and deliver these energy sources on a national
level and reduce dependency on traditional energy sources?
Lesson 8
How much waste do you
generate? Look into your waste bin at the end of the day, and categorize and
measure the waste there. List all other waste you may have generated in other
places throughout the day. How much of this waste could you have avoided
generating? How much could have been reused or recycled?