Discussion 4: Ancient Greece

please read two documents by the 5th-century BC Athenian statesman and historian, Thucydides: The Funeral Oration of Pericles and the Conference at Melos. Both are included in the document labeled “Thucydides Documents.”
How do the Athenians (in particular, Pericles) describe and present their own democracy at home? How do they treat other Greeks when they go abroad, as seen with the example of Melos?
Remember, the “Greeks” are an ethnic, cultural, and linguistic group, divided among hundreds of small countries called city-states. The Athenians, Melians, and Spartans are all “Greeks,” but each have their own independent country.

Haitian Revolution

After reading chapter 7, describe the major factors leading to a discussion of ending slavery:
How did the Haitian Revolution spark this conversation?
How did events in the United States spark this conversation?
The initial response should be at least 200 words.
In your responses to your classmates, debate if one holds more precedence than the other?

The Treaty of New Echota

This a preliminary assignment for a 12 page term paper. What is due is to answer the following questions, which includes establishing the working thesis. The topic and paper around the Treaty of New Echota needs to follow the topic guidelines, which I have attached. What is due now is to answer the following questions.
What is your topic?
What is your working thesis?
What bibliographies have you consulted?
What primary sources have you located?
What scholarly books have you found?
What scholarly articles relate to your topic? (Check America: History and Life database)
Which approved websites have you consulted?

Stock Market Analysis

You will conduct a stock market analysis by selecting 5 stocks (2 “blue-chip” and 3 “growth”
stocks), then monitoring their value over one week. You will document each step of the process,
taking care to explain reasons for choosing the stocks, fluctuations in stock price, and key
economic pressures that reflect historical trends and issues. This report must be 2–3 pages and
include a specific list of the stocks in table format with their names, symbols, purchase prices,
and closing prices at the end of the week.
Choosing stocks to monitor for this assignment is up to you, except for two conditions. First, 2 of
the stocks must be large capitalization, blue-chip stocks from the New York Stock Exchange or
NASDAQ. Second, 3 of the stocks must be targeted “growth” stocks with the potential for wide
swings in stock value—the more volatile the stock price, the better for this part of the
assignment. You will monitor the daily stock prices via a stock app, computer program, or
financial publication/website.
The most important part of the assignment involves the analysis, which must address the
 A well-organized and well-written explanation for the choices of stocks
 An explanation of each stock price fluctuation based on research in the financial press
 A bibliography of the research.
Research in the financial press is required for this assignment. Valuable research tools include
Bloomberg, Fox Business, the Wall Street Journal, Business Weekly, the Financial Times, or
widely consulted financial news networks and wire services. You MUST properly cite the
sources for your market research using the current Turabian style.
The best submissions will involve you researching key companies headlining the financial news
the previous week. Review existing commentary on the company following the suggestions
above and note the starting price on Monday. Then, each night, conduct a quick search of that
company in financial news services or cable financial news shows. Take notes on the analysis,
but understand this reflects the views of financial journalists, not historians. Be sure to record
and cite where you find each day’s information. (You may have to really dig through the
Turabian manual to determine the proper citations.) Then, at the end of the week, record the
stock’s closing price on Friday, and write an analysis of all 5 stocks’ fluctuations for the week.
Be sure to cover long-term trends of economic history when explaining the change. On a few
occasions, one or more of your stocks may fluctuate very little. This may be normal, but you
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must still explain the stability of the company’s value based on long-term economic and
historical evidence.
Finally, as you address questions 2 and 3 (below) in your summary, you may footnote citations
for the financial publications or videos you consulted.
Use the Turabian template with the following guidelines to compose your report:
1. Stocks are in a table with names, symbols, starting price, and ending price.
2. Why was each stock chosen? Be sure to explain what impressed you enough about the
company to monitor its price. Do not merely state that you chose Apple because you have an
iPhone or Walmart because you shop there. You must provide well-grounded, well-
researched reasons using commentary and analysis found in financial publications, networks,
and websites. If you use cable financial news shows, you must use the proper Turabian
citation for that specific episode/date of your research.
3. To what extent did the stock’s price fluctuate? Why did this occur? Again, base your
explanation on your research in financial sources. What economic pressures caused the
4. Include a title page and bibliography in the current Turabian style (These are not included in
the 2–3-page length requirement).

Racial Relations in America in 1877

I need a thesis statement based on the topic and the following research questions:
1. How much did racial interactions strengthen or weaken the American races?
2. What were the racial relations like in the US in 1877?
3. What impact did racial tensions have on the development of the United States of America?

Use Not Like Us: Preface-Chapter 1

Book: Daniels, Roger. Not Like Us: Immigrants and Minorities in America, 1890-1924. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1997.
Essay question: Use Not Like Us: Preface-Chapter 1 to respond to the following question in essay form.
Would you attribute the onset of nativism in the late 19th century more to cultural or economic factors?
Introduction: 3-5 sentences
You should start every essay off with an introduction. The introduction itself can be broken into 3 segments: restate the question, take a side (if the question is argumentative), and briefly outline the examples you will be using to make up the body of the essay. Let’s use the following question as an example: Was the Civil War about Slavery? First, we restate the question. Here we can restate the question and take a side with one sentence: The Civil War was about slavery. This sentence gives the reader a general idea what you will be writing about, as well as which side you will take on the issue. Next, we must briefly outline the examples that will make up the body of the essay: The writings of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, as well as the separation declarations of South Carolina and Texas clearly demonstrate that the Civil War was about slavery. Now the reader knows what you will specifically be writing about within the essay.
Body: 1-2+ paragraphs
The body of the essay will be an expansion on the 1-2 points that you briefly outlined in your introduction. To continue with the example, you would first write expand on the writings of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Then in a new paragraph, write about the separation declarations of South Carolina and Texas.
Conclusion: 2-4 sentences
The conclusion should be a summary of the points that you made, that will end up looking a lot like the introduction. To continue with the example: In conclusion, the Civil War as indeed about slavery. The writings of Jefferson Davis, as well as the separation declarations of South Carolina and Texas strongly support the deep connection between the Civil War and slavery.
Final touches:
If you are in an online class, the proper format is: 12pt. Times New Roman with 1″ margins on all sides. I strongly prefer you submit your Reading Responses as Word documents, rather than in a pdf form. Hand written Reading Responses should be legible and neat. Excessive spelling or grammatical errors will result in a worse grade. Be sure to indent at the beginning of every new paragraph. Email me with any further questions.