1. The abdominal muscles synergistically work to create ______________ of the to

1. The abdominal muscles synergistically work to create ______________ of the torso on the sagittal plane of action. Some of these abdominals work synergistically to create ________________________ (direction and movement), and ______________________ (direction and movement) on the frontal plane of action. The abdominals also create _______________________ (direction and movement) and _______________________ (direction and movement) of the spine on the transverse plane of action. Muscles located on the __________________ (location) of the body create ______________________ of the spine to 180 degrees on the sagittal plane. (6 pts.)
2. You are instructed to lay on the floor to strengthen your abdominals. You must target the rectus abdominus by creating _______________ (sagittal movement of the torso) and unilaterally creating this abdominal muscle group to create ____________________and ____________________ (movement and direction) of the torso on the frontal plane of action. These same movements should be repeated to target the external oblique muscles with the addition of focusing on creating ___________________________ (movement and direction), referencing of transverse plane of action). Finally, to properly engage the internal obliques the previous movements are required with the addition of creating _____________________ (movement and direction of the transverse plane). (5)
3. You’re instructed to stretch the prime mover of hip extension or the ____________muscle. You must place each hips in ___________________ (direction and movement) on the transverse plane of action and _______________ (movement) on the sagittal plane of action. Assisting the prime mover of hip extension is the______________________ muscle group. To stretch this group one must create __________________ (sagittal movement) of the hips. Since this group can create transverse plane of action movements, you must include _______________________ & _____________________ (direction and movement on transverse plane of action). (14)
4. You are sitting high on the ischial tuberosities of the ilium in Taylor position, with your knees flexed and with the ankles crossed in front of you. Your ankles are plantar flexed, engaging the prime mover of this ankle position known as the _________________________. This muscle also assists with the knee movement known as ________________ (sagittal movement). It is a synergist to the _________________ muscle group, which also creates knee _________________ (sagittal movement) and hip ______________________ (sagittal movement). The toes of the feet are in a position of _____________________, engaging the muscles located on the ______________ surface of the foot. Women generally have an easier time finding this high position on top of the ischial tuberosities because…. (finish the sentence)….. (14)
5. You are instructed to laterally flex the spine to the right, which means that the ___________________, ______________________ and the ________________________spinal muscle groups have unilaterally contracted to the right. You are then instructed to rotate the head, neck and trunk to the left specifically engaging the ___________________ spinal muscle group. A unilateral contraction of the spine creates right lateral spinal flexion and rotation to the right engages the ______________________ spinal muscle group. (10)
6. Scoliosis can be detected on the _____________________ and __________________ planes of action, commonly creating an abnormal C or S shaped spinal curve. Knowing this, most likely the __________________ (spinal muscle group) can be detected as the muscle group that is over taxed or is the stronger muscle group, creating this misalignment. (3)
7. When biomechanically assessing the main cause of shin splints, you will note that the ankle has been in excessive and constant degrees of the ankle movement called ________________________. In order to effectively stretch the prime mover of this movement or the __________________________, (muscle) you must create _____________________ (movement) of the ankle and the tarsal bones must be stretched in positions of ___________________. With this overuse syndrome, it’s clear to see that there is an imbalance between the muscles that create ankle___________________ (movement) and _________________________________ (movement). (12)
8. When the linea alba is engaged strong core awareness and pelvic stability is established as the ______________________ muscle group is fully activated. _________________ pelvic alignment is a positive result of this muscular engagement as the proximal attachment of the linea alba is located ______________________. When the ________________________ (proximal bony attachments of the hamstrings) are aligned with the heels of the feet, the _____________________ (prime mover of hip extension) and the _________________ muscle group can work efficiently to extend the hip as you work through the backs of