10 points for challenges, 10 points for potential opportunities.

Article #3 assignment is to lookup an article about the current market: higher interest rates, decline in sales, etc. It should be local to California and be an article from the last 90 days. Please provide a link from the article and write a response as to what possible challenges these conditions can create for real estate professionals AND what opportunities could be out there. 10 points for challenges, 10 points for potential opportunities.

Why might they differ, especially with a focus on type of good or service?

Why does it matter that we model retail activity using a hierarchical model of goods and center types? In short, are trade areas the same for all retail? Why might they differ, especially with a focus on type of good or service? Please make use of the readings. How has the Pandemic perhaps changed these factors and hierarchies?
some related documents are attached

It should be local to california and be an article from the last 90 days.

Article #3 assignment is to lookup an article about the current market: higher interest rates, decline in sales, etc. It should be local to California and be an article from the last 90 days. Please provide a link from the article and write a response as to what possible challenges these conditions can create for real estate professionals AND what opportunities could be out there. 10 points for challenges, 10 points for potential opportunities.

Read the instructions veryyyyy carefully.

The screenshot has all the instructions + everything else you need is also attached ( the two articles). READ THE INSTRUCTIONS VERYYYYY CAREFULLY. Attached is also a doc with the expected terminology to be used in the analysis.

What is the estimate property before tax cash-flow (ebtcf) for each year of operations?

Fundamentals of Real Estate Question: I don’t know how to set up this question in excel.
You are considering the purchase of a retail building for 34 million today. Below you are given the information you need to analyze the investment and decide how to proceed.
Your expectations for this stabilized property include the following: 60 unit charging average monthly rents of $3000 a month; Free rent for 6 weeks for all the tenants in yer 1due to the recession, but this policy ends after year 1. 9% vacancy in year 1 due to the recession and 4% vacancy in all years thereafter; operating expense ratio of 45% but tenants for 25% of operating expense. Capital reserve equal to 10% of EGI; and leasing costs equal to 50% of vacancy losses. The cap rate goes up by 100 basis points during the time you are invested in the property, and you use this new cap rate to value the property at the time of sale, which is year 6. Your selling expenses are 2.75% of the resale price. You get a 60% LTV mortgage with a 7% interest rate. Your equity investors expect a return of 10%.
1. What is the estimate property before tax cash-flow (EBTCF) for each year of operations? please show the calculations in the form of a pro-forma.

Read the instructions veryyyyy carefully.

The screenshot has all the instructions + everything else you need is also attached ( the two articles). READ THE INSTRUCTIONS VERYYYYY CAREFULLY. Attached is also a doc with the expected terminology to be used in the analysis.