Why are the terms ”field” and ”record” incorrect when referring to column an

Why are the terms ”field” and ”record”
incorrect when referring to column and row
Why is the term ”NULL value” incorrect
How many
orders where made from the Sales.Orders table
Get the
Shippeddate,the count of Numorders,the count of Shippeddate,the minimum
shippeddate as the first ship date,the maximum shippddate as the Latestshipdate
Get the top
3 order details of Total Sales where total sales is defined as the product
of the Unitprice and quantity (JUST WRITE QUERY)
Get the
Ship ID, The total freight greater than 2000 from the Sales.orders table (JUST WRITE QUERY)
Get the
hire country,hiredate ,the Number of employees hired after 20030101 from the
HR.Employees Table (JUST WRITE QUERY)
Write a
query to return orders that were not shipped yet. Such orders have a NULL in
the shippeddate column.
You are
requested to return all orders that were placed between February 11,2008 and
February 12,2008 (JUST WRITE QUERY)
If I want
to return information about employees from Washington State in the United
States, sorted by city and empid (JUST WRITE QUERY)
Write a
query that returns the orders for customer 77. Such that the rows will be
sorted by shipperid. To avoid tiebreakers perform secondary ordering by shipped
date and orderid, descending respectively (JUST

Data Definition – DDL (CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE…) 1. Create the SQL stateme

1. Create the SQL statements that construct (CREATE) a database named “DOCTIME” and all
of the tables (entities and attributes) using the MySQL database language syntax from the attached ERD.
2. Don’t foreget to decide the data type used for each attribute. You should use common sense
judgement when defining the data type. If the value uses any kind of text or character values, use
the VARCHAR() data type. When using the VARCHAR data type make sure you define the
maximum length potential for each value. For example: If you think the value will be on average
10 characters, may reach a maximum of 12, then use VARCHAR(12).
3. Remember, Primary Key fields require the NOT NULL property.
4. Do not worry about the Foreign Key or UNIQUE properties for this exercise.

Why are the terms ”field” and ”record” incorrect when referring to column an

Why are the terms ”field” and ”record”
incorrect when referring to column and row
Why is the term ”NULL value” incorrect
How many
orders where made from the Sales.Orders table
Get the
Shippeddate,the count of Numorders,the count of Shippeddate,the minimum
shippeddate as the first ship date,the maximum shippddate as the Latestshipdate
Get the top
3 order details of Total Sales where total sales is defined as the product
of the Unitprice and quantity (JUST WRITE QUERY)
Get the
Ship ID, The total freight greater than 2000 from the Sales.orders table (JUST WRITE QUERY)
Get the
hire country,hiredate ,the Number of employees hired after 20030101 from the
HR.Employees Table (JUST WRITE QUERY)
Write a
query to return orders that were not shipped yet. Such orders have a NULL in
the shippeddate column.
You are
requested to return all orders that were placed between February 11,2008 and
February 12,2008 (JUST WRITE QUERY)
If I want
to return information about employees from Washington State in the United
States, sorted by city and empid (JUST WRITE QUERY)
Write a
query that returns the orders for customer 77. Such that the rows will be
sorted by shipperid. To avoid tiebreakers perform secondary ordering by shipped
date and orderid, descending respectively (JUST

Data Definition – DDL (CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE…) 1. Create the SQL stateme

1. Create the SQL statements that construct (CREATE) a database named “DOCTIME” and all
of the tables (entities and attributes) using the MySQL database language syntax from the attached ERD.
2. Don’t foreget to decide the data type used for each attribute. You should use common sense
judgement when defining the data type. If the value uses any kind of text or character values, use
the VARCHAR() data type. When using the VARCHAR data type make sure you define the
maximum length potential for each value. For example: If you think the value will be on average
10 characters, may reach a maximum of 12, then use VARCHAR(12).
3. Remember, Primary Key fields require the NOT NULL property.
4. Do not worry about the Foreign Key or UNIQUE properties for this exercise.

In this course, the project assignments for each module involve learning about v

In this course, the project assignments for each module involve learning about various types of database storage. In each module, your SLP assignment will consist of completing an analysis of the database systems presented.
Option 1: Study the following:
Cprime, Inc. (2020, July 15). Power BI vs Excel: How to work with large amounts of data [Video].

Introduction to Dax
DAX is a very powerful tool in Excel and PowerBI that enables the analysis of very large datasets. PowerBI provides the tools to produce visualizations for the analytics on the Big Data using DAX.
Review the tutorials above, and then prepare a 3-page review of the tutorials, covering the following topics:
a comprehensive review of what the tutorials teach; choose at least two key concepts to discuss in technical detail
a thorough discussion of what you learned specifically from the tutorial
(optional, not graded but appreciated, and of benefit to you as well by studying from different sources) If you can find one or two other similar video tutorial(s) or reading material(s) on this topic, please study them and give a simple review (one or two paragraphs). Please also reference them in your reference list.

Assignment Overview Database systems are experiencing rapid change. Databases ar

Assignment Overview
Database systems are experiencing rapid change. Databases are handling structured data at the heart of operations in firms, vendor and customer order systems, financials, inventory management, and manufacturing. Data is being processed by enterprise software connected to back-end databases such as the Oracle product. Also with sensor data and social media data, firms need to be able to handle Big Data using tools such as Apache Hadoop. Streaming big data requires a new approach to data management while maintaining the existing structured database for enterprise systems.
Review the following two videos and then produce a comparison of the management issues associated with traditional data management and with Big Data Management. Discuss the future of data management for large firms and the implications for IT management.
Simplilearn. (2021, January 21). What is Hadoop? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aReuLtY0YMI
Chandoo. (2021, October 26). Know the difference between Data Base, Data Warehouse, Data Lake [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgIbvkyY4mI
Case Assignment
When you have read through the articles and related material and thought about it carefully, please compose a paper on the following topic:
Compare the management issues associated with traditional data management and with big data management. Include data warehousing and Hadoop in your discussion. Also discuss the applications for these systems and future trends.