Learning Goal: I’m working on a theater project and need an explanation and answ

Learning Goal: I’m working on a theater project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.The Control Project The purpose of this project is to acquaint the student with the functioning of a computer operated lighting console. The first step is to create a show. You will need to label the show and begin saving the show as your name. Before a console can operate any lighting equipment, it must be “connected” to an address. This is called patching. In a light board, this is done magically by the DMX-512 gods. The second step in this control project is to do the following patch. 1. Patch addresses 1 through 10 to channels 1 through 10. 2. Patch addresses 11 through 13 to channel 11. 3. Patch address 14 to channel 12. There are certain standard procedures that are almost universal with light boards. The next procedure is to use the light board to bring up channels that will be used to create and RECORD a cue. This cue can be programmed to occur at a given rate which is called the TIME of the cue. 1. In the live mode, take channels 1 through 5 to 50%, channels 6 through 10 to 25% and channel 11 to 75%. Record this as cue number 1 with a time of 4 seconds. 2. Now take channels 1 through 10 to 35% and channel 11 to 25%. Record this as cue 3 and the time will be a SPLIT FADE. Make the upfade time 4 seconds and the downfade time 6.5 seconds. 3. Got to cue 0, recall cue 1 and record the levels of that cue as cue 5. Make the time 3 seconds for cue 5. Record a FOLLOW of 8 seconds on this cue. LABEL this cue “Follow Cue 1.” 4. Take channels 1 and 3 and 5 and 7 to 75%. Take channels 2 and 4 and 6 and 8 and 10 to 10%. Record this as cue 7 with a time of 3 seconds and a follow of 4 seconds. 5. Now add channel 12 into cue 7 at 5% and record this as cue 9. Make the time for cue 9 a ZERO second fade. 6. Take channel 12 to 00% and record this as cue 11 with a time of 0 seconds. Put a follow on this cue of 0.1 seconds. Label this cue “The Turn Off.” 7. Take channels 1 through 13 to 00%. Record this as cue 13 with a time of 8 seconds. Label this cue “The End.”