Paper should be: 5 to 6 pages 11 point font Double Spaced 1 inch margins Provide

Paper should be:
5 to 6 pages
11 point font
Double Spaced
1 inch margins
Provide a clear and concise introduction to the city and policy/initiative researched
A body that critiques the purpose, success, and challenges of the policy/initiative. A comparison/contrast with other cities and their existing or lack of policy/initiatives to address similar challenges
A clear and concise conclusion summarizing your research and analysis.
Over the course of the semester we will discuss a variety of programs and initiatives by cities all across the United States that work to improve and enhance equity, sustainability, and resiliency. There are also a number of cities that take an alternative approach, choosing to not address or take steps to improve those conditions. You will be provided a list of cities and initiatives from around the country, and asked to write a research paper 7 pages in length.
Choose a sustainability program/initiative/organization from any city in the country. This can include environmental sustainability (green building, green streets, etc.) economic (programs intended to assist low-income communities or create opportunities for disenfranchised communities to support businesses or other economic opportunities), or social (addressing race, class, public health etc.)
Describe the program and what it seeks to improve or change? Critique whether it has been successful or would be successful if the program is new. Describe any changes that have occurred as a result (ex. more affordable housing units have been built, more minority owned businesses have started, improvement to natural resources such as air and water, improved access to parks). Have there been unintended consequences? (ex. affordable housing was built, but not in a location where it is beneficial, green building requirements have made the cost of construction too much, inclusionary housing policies were too aggressive and no housing has been built as a result). Unintended consequences can also be ones that maybe you see as potentially happening if the program is new.
Would you make any changes to their program? Are there ways that it could have been more successful or to maybe mitigate other negative consequences? Are there ways that you could change the program to be more encompassing (could an economic policy have also addressed environmental challenges)?
I am dropping the comparison aspect to other cities. Just focus on the program you find, but you are welcome to compare it to other locations if you would like to.
Examples of programs, initiatives, organizations
-Forterra – Seattle, WA
-SMART Housing Program – Austin, TX
-Revenue Sharing – Minneapolis, MN
-Community Improvement Districts (try to avoid business improvement districts)
-Affordable housing strategies (State bills to encourage more affordable housing, local inclusionary zoning requirements, rent control, rental subsidies) – Many cities including Los Angeles, Glendale, San Francisco, New York, Seattle
-Land banking organizations
-Natural habitat protection – Coastal regions or specific parks
-Green building requirements (LEED, local requirements) – Many cities
-Park Equity – New York City, Atlanta
-Urban Growth Boundary – Portland, OR
-Creating downtown for families – Vancouver and Toronto
Project Inspiration sites: to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site
It will be important to pay attention to the lectures and readings throughout the semester as you learn more about cities and policies/initiatives that will be options to select for the final paper. It will be important to ask questions about those cities and to learn more in advance of your final paper (i.e. “Why is Houston the only major city in the country without zoning,” “What is Portland’s Urban Growth Boundary,” “What are the impacts of Glendale’s inclusionary zoning policy.”). Will be allowed to select a city and policy/initiative of their own choosing
Paper should be:
5 to 6 pages
11 point font
Double Spaced
1 inch margins
Provide a clear and concise introduction to the city and policy/initiative researched
A body that critiques the purpose, success, and challenges of the policy/initiative. A comparison/contrast with other cities and their existing or lack of policy/initiatives to address similar challenges
A clear and concise conclusion summarizing your research and analysis.

All readings are due before class each Tuesday so we can talk about them as a cl

All readings are due before class each Tuesday so we can talk about them as a class. After we have had a robust class discussion, I want you to find a current-day, real-life case study you found in the news that depicts or relates to a theme from the week’s reading. Write an explanation why this case relates to that day’s reading material. Each essay (worth 75 points) should be 1-page, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, with in-text citations and without headers. (Headers waste space. I know it’s you because the assignment is in Canvas.) Refer to that Tuesday’s reading and another week’s reading. I require the integration of other class readings because the process of developing critical thinking skills includes weaving different topics and themes together. I have provided a checklist after the assignment’s rubric at the back of the syllabus. please read this article and base on this article find current conecction essay and please do’nt forget to cite the website.
Lighter Shade of Brown? Racial Formation and Gentrification in Latino Los Angeles | Social Problems | Oxford Academic (

Research into smart transportation systems in smart cities and how to implement them in the cities, and identify case studies of cities that have improved their transportation systems using technology and smart solutionsscientific research on smart transportation and how it can be applied to cities

Research into smart transportation systems in smart cities and how to implement them in the cities, and identify case studies of cities that have improved their transportation systems using technology and smart solutionsScientific research on smart transportation and how it can be applied to cities
An introduction that talks about smart transportation and the problems that exist and how these problems can be solved using smart transportation system
Talking about smart transportation and the latest technologies used in smart transportation and how it can be applied to cities
similar studies for cities that have implemented smart transportation and how to benefit from it in solving the problems that cities face, such as pollution, congestion, or quality of life
10% copy writes or less, 10 papers research or more will be better

Write 3 pages on how you think the city will change in regard to its functionality and how desirable it will remain.

The COVID-19 pandemic has uprooted our way of life. It has particularly changed how the city has functioned. Companies such as Twitter, located in the heart of San Francisco, have decided to let a majority of employees work from home permanently, meanwhile Facebook and Amazon are expanding their physical offices around the country. Businesses such as restaurants cannot work remotely and have expanded their operations into outdoor dining and parking spaces. New York City’s outbreak was blamed on density, by the Governor of New York. Meanwhile extremely dense cities such as Tokyo, Toronto, Vancouver, and San Francisco have managed and limited the spread. Bicycles are increasingly harder to find and purchase, while automobile and transit use has plummeted. Demand for park space has increased significantly, but some claim that people will flee the city, despite rapidly rising cases in the suburbs.
How will all of this change the way cities develop and are used, or will it change the city at all? Are we witnessing temporary changes to adapt to the current situation, or do you think the changes are permanent? How might these changes impact equity and sustainability? Write 3 pages on how you think the city will change in regard to its functionality and how desirable it will remain. Use outside resources such as historical evidence from prior events that have influenced the form and experience of the city, or thoughtful critiques from media sources to support your argument.
3 pages
11 point font
Double Spaced
1 inch margins
Provide a clear and concise introduction
A body that provides clear and logical arguments
A clear and concise conclusion

Each 80-point essay should be 1-page, single-spaced, 12-point times new roman, 1-inch margins, with in-text citations and without headers.

All readings are due before class on Friday so we can discuss them. After we have had a robust class discussion, I want you to find a current-day, real-life case study that depicts or relates to a theme from the week’s reading. Each current-event connection should connect with only one of that week’s readings, so if there are two readings in one week, only one should be the basis of your essay. The current-event news piece must be about Los Angeles and must be written articles, not videos.
Each 80-point essay should be 1-page, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, with in-text citations and without headers. (Headers waste space. I know it’s you because the assignment is in Canvas.) Refer to that Friday’s reading and a previous week’s reading. I require the integration of other class readings because the process of developing critical thinking skills includes bringing different topics and themes together.
There are 15 possible readings this semester; you can write as many essays as you want but you must do 5. This assignment is worth almost half of your grade, but if you keep up with the assignments, you will do well. Upload your current-event connections essays to Canvas before midnight the Wednesday after our class discussion (so you have almost a week). Late essays will NOT be accepted. ** I have provided a checklist with the assignment rubric at the back of the syllabus. Each essay has its own upload portal on Canvas according to its deadline.

What are some of the benefits and challenges to providing housing for low-income residents in a gentrifying neighborhood?

Group Assignment 5: Land use planning, land use classification and processes in city development (Give the process that an urban area takes to acquire a City status). Urban sprawl – causes and impacts, urban decline – causes and impacts, urban renewal and regeneration – definition, factors considered that warrants urban renewal, urban renewal methods, Top-down Urban Renewal in Nairobi, theoretical urban renewal versus the reality on the Ground. Explain three factors influencing the location of the land use zones. What are some of the benefits and challenges to providing housing for low-income residents in a gentrifying neighborhood? In Kenya I dont mind some plagiarism atleast 10 pages