The recent UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, UK brought nations together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The goal was to tackle Climate Change and limit global warming under 1.5o by 2030.
Through your perseverance and hard work, you have been promoted to “Energy Tsar”. As such your subjects are eagerly awaiting your “Plan”. Your task is to create a 5-page Plan that addresses many of the subjects you studied in your Energy and Society Course.
You discussed this with your experts and found that many of the scientists point to “Electrification” as the way to reduce emissions and achieve this goal. Your goal is to expand on this theme.
Please discuss the following topics:
Low emission fossil fuel power plants
Selection and Use of Renewables
Examine efficiency, reliability, land use, water use, fuel, emissions, location and costs
Power transmission and the grid
Energy Storage
Impact on transportation
The main emphasis in your discussion will be in Section 2. However, you should have 5 different Sections, each with a heading as listed above from 1 to 5.
The essay produced should have at least 5 pages (not to exceed 7) written in 12-point font with normal margins. There should be 5 Sections, each with one of the headings above. Try to be concise when discussing Section 2.
Please do not define the subjects. Just assume your minions understand what is meant by each subject. You should have at least 5 clickable web links, one for each section.

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