Begin by reading the articles by Cohn and Young (  The key terms and study questions will help you know what to look for in Cohn’s article.  For this reading response paper I would like you to consider both articles as critiques of language use. In your paper briefly summarize the argument made by each author. Your summary should include some data examples used by each author in support of their critique.  Then address the following questions:
According to each author, what are the problems with these different types of professional language? What’s really being critiqued here– the language use (lexicon), the surrounding sociocultural context of use, or the relationship between them?
Are the arguments of the two articles related? Similar? Different?  Complementary?  How? Discuss.
Can you connect these critiques of professional language to your experiences, either at a job or elsewhere? Briefly discuss.
Do you find the author’s arguments convincing?  Why or why not? If you do, what is that convinces you that the author is correct? If not, where do see weaknesses in the arguments?
Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words long, typed, and double-spaced.

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