Test your comprehension of themes covered in the weekly modules. Your responses to the questions you choose to answer should be derived from the reading and viewing assignments. Do not cite material that is curated from non-assigned sources (web-based and/or published.)
To what extent did the Hungarian revolt of 1956 and the “Prague Spring” of 1968 reveal the nature of the relationship between the Soviet Union and its satellite states in East Central Europe?
What were the student-led protest movements in Western Europe during the late 1960s protesting? (Your answer should take into account the ideological and cultural dimensions of this movement.)
Why did the Cold War seem to “heat” up in Europe during the late 1970s and early 1980s? (Refer here to break down of arms limitation talks, crises in Central America and Central Asia, etc.)
Why did the Berlin wall “fall” in November 1989? (Your answer should explain how this event was connected to the impending collapse of communism in the rest of communist Europe.)
Explain how the collapse of communism in East/Central Europe and the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era in European history.
Drawing upon your assigned readings, discussion boards, history lab activities, supplemental readings, and lecture notes, answer only one of the questions.
Please read each question carefully and remember that all responses should answer every question being asked of you.
Europe Between Democracy and Dictatorship, 1900-1945. Conan Fischer
Europe’s Troubled Peace, 1945-2000. Tom Buchanan
Aspects of Western Civilization, Seventh Edition, Perry M. Rogers, Volume II.
Please illustrate the points you raise in your discussion with specific examples derived from your lecture activities required assignments. Before turning in your exam make certain that you have saved your document in Microsoft word.
Answer the question you have selected in an essay of 4 double-spaced pages (approximately 1,000 -1,200 words total ).

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