This is a portion of a Social work case study. The subject is an African American  woman, “Meagan” , 24 years old who was referred for services regarding substance abuse after having her baby taken by CPS at birth because she was doing MAT treatment during her pregnancy and the baby was positive for opioids. This needs to be about the mother and her intervention, not anything to really do with her child, the focus should remain on the client only and directions provided followed explicitly. Writer needs to be proficient in Social Work knowledge and skills. APA7 format and scholarly citations needed. I am providing the section I had turned in and gotten feedback on with the professors feedback…it was rushed and I have no time to dedicate to it…it is lacking cited sources and will likely need additional info added in where necessary. Also, this is based on an actual client we were seeing which I had not gotten to the intervention stage with.  Therefore, it is detailing an intervention that would likely take place with her when we got to that point so please use correct tense (as I messed up on that a bit in this draft). Thank you. I did not upload my reference page with the pages uploaded.

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