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PROMPT: Please choose ONE of the following two questions to answer in your essay.
1.) Connolly argues that the way to counter “aspirational fascism” is a democratic pluralism that
is based on “a cultural ethos of egalitarianism.” How feasible is the creation of this cultural ethos
in the United States? Explain Connolly’s reasoning for how the Left in the United States can
address the grievances of the white working class in a way that acknowledges their struggles but
also works to break down oppressive systems of white supremacy.
2.) What changed in the 2020 election that did not allow Donald Trump to win by the
“aspirational fascism” that Connolly described for the 2016 election?
REQUIREMENTS: Your essay must incorporate your summary and analysis of at least 6 – 8
sources that have not been assigned as readings in this course. Please do not just repeat what the
sources say – go deeper and tell us what you think about them and why.

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