Your introductory samples are the first stage of a process that should lay the foundation of future successful strategic communication scriptwriting; that is, screenplays that clearly, completely, concisely communicate a client’s message. In order to do so, it is essential that you grasp the fundamentals of formatting; since the script is to the production as the blueprint is to the building or the score is to the symphonic recording, bad formatting leads inevitably to a bad outcome.
You have reviewed both the narrative and the split column formats. Your assignment is to write a sample page in each. For this assignment, you are to concentrate on producing the format perfectly.
Both samples should include two scenes and two characters, each of whom speaks at least one line. The split column must also include two different shots.
Since we are working in a medium where time is of the essence, the assignment has a maximum page limit rather than a minimum. For this assignment, you are limited to no more than 3 pages for the two scripts combined (excluding the cover page).
I have uploaded the formats to give examples, however, the FINAL FORMAT document is the one that needs to be replicated.

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