In this module, you have been asked to complete the Strengthsfinder Survey. This survey is one of many rigorously tested, well-known personality profile surveys in the market and provides an opportunity for you to consider some of the strengths that you bring to your career next steps.  This survey is one tool to support your process of self-understanding.  It is not exhaustive and does not provide a full picture of who you are.   

Please reflect on your Strengthsfinder results, which detail a number of character strengths that are unique to you. In this journal, please reflect on the following questions:

  1. Were you surprised by the strengths assigned to you? Which strengths seemed particularly accurate?  Which strengths (if any) seem incorrect?
  2. Briefly describe a time at NLU that you may have used one of the strengths assigned to you by the survey.
  3. Are there other strengths identified in the Strengthsfinder 2.0 book that were not assigned to you today that you would have used to describe yourself?  In what way have you demonstrated that strength?


  • Your journal should be approximately 300-350 words in length and should address each question in the assignment directions.
  • Please refer to the rubric associated with this assignment for detailed guidance about expectations and grading. 
  • Please submit this assignment according to the directions on your syllabus.

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