**Now is the time to choose your bill or topic and find some academic sources to use in support of your position.
**To find your article, you’ll go to a government website (either California or the U.S.) and look for a bill. You should be able to find one from this year. There may not be one on your first choice of topics — they may not be considering anything about that
yet this year; in that case, choose another topic. Choosing a shorter, more specific bill can make it easier to make a coherent
**When you go to the search engine for academic journal articles, enter keyword or topic from the bill you want to write about. Most scholarly articles have a summary at the beginning and you might have to read several of those to find an article that is
relevant to your subject. You might figure out a different keyword would help you find a more relevant article. You may spend
30-60 minutes just finding a couple of articles that have evidence and arguments useful to you in your paper.
**When you’ve found a bill and some academic sources that is being discussed in the state or national legislature (either
house) (or one that has been discussed this year whether it passed or not). Think about / find out who is lobbying for it and financing it. Think about what might happen if it’s passed. Decide what your opinion is about it.
**Write a 2-3 page typed letter to your representative in that legislative body in favor or against it’s passage, giving reasons for your stance. You can find your representative on the internet. For example, if your bill is in the U.S. House of Representative,
you can look them up here:
***For this paper, you’ll need to use two or three scholarly sources to provide evidence for your position.
You can find out who your representatives are on these sites:

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