Follow directions carefully. Read the chapters and watch any videos attached. Your original post must be a minimum of 150 words. Use correct grammar and spelling. Write in paragraph form do not just list. You must reply to two different students. Your post must be submitted by Saturday. The post and each of the two replies should be submitted on three different days. The discussion board will close on Wednesday. Post and replies should show your mastery of the subject. If you use material from an outside source, provide the documentation from which the information was obtained. Do not cite unconfirmed or inaccurate information (like blogs, personal pages, Wikipedia, etc.). The post should contain your own words and thoughts. Cited material does not count toward your word count. Be respectful of other people’s ideas and beliefs. Do not state the same things that others have said in your replies. The idea is that your post and replies should add value to the discussion. Do not submit your work as an attachment. Answer all parts of the assignment but do not retype the questions in your post. Do not submit more than one post. Do not include a chapter summary unless asked to do so. Do not submit blank posts.
Well, well, well…here we are on the chapter on Stress and Health Psychology right as the semester is winding down. Also, this chapter will be useful for the project. It is important to understand that the mind and body are connected. If you are stressed out both your body and mind will suffer. Think about it…when you are stressed do your sleeping and eating habits change? The text will discuss many ways in which your health is compromised by stress. Is stress ever a good thing? It will also talk about how your personality may play into that as well. In particular, it will look at Type A and Type B personalities. Type A personalities are go-getters. They get things done. They make lists and cross things off. They make a schedule and stick to it. They start working on assignments early. They are detailed oriented. Type B personalities are easy-going and relaxed. They are less conscious of time. They are less competitive. They are more flexible. Which do you think you are right now?
Now, take the short test in the chapter resources.
What did you find out? In most relationships, one person is more Type A and the other Type B? Think of your own life and the people you know. Do you find that to be the case? Why would it be that Type A and Type B people pair up together? Now, if you are a Type A, what can you do to reduce your stress in the future? If you are a Type B, what suggestions could you make to a Type A to help them reduce their stress? Those who are more Type B tend to procrastinate. Putting things off to the last minute can cause undue stress. What suggestions do the Type A people have for the Type Bs to help them plan ahead?

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