Write about the following 4 questions, each question should approximately 250 words and be in great detail.
Please cite all sources you use. Egregious misuse of sources can and often does constitute plagiarism, and can and might include permanent loss of points. In general make sure you’re not copying and pasting from sources – paraphrasing and citing your references is usually sufficient. Please use In text citations.
1) Culture is at the heart of what we talk about in Cultural Geography – and, as we discussed earlier, culture is a tough thing to define! Pretend you were going to explain what culture was to a fifth grader (age 10). Create a short speech you’d give to a fifth grader to explain what culture is.
2) In thinking about loaner words, I’d like you to think about the idea of code-switching, the term for using different patterns of speech with different people. When you speak to your friends, you might not use the same words or speech patterns as you would when having a job interview. I’d like you to think of ten terms that are either vernacular (“slang” terms) or formal terms (“for all intents and purposes”) and define them for someone arriving from an international country that may have not heard them
3) Pick a country that’s *not* the United States, and develop a speech meant to be given to fifth graders about the country. Please include information about the country’s people, their culture, what they do for work, what they like to do, and what they like to eat, and any other information you think a fifth grader would be interested in.
4) What do you think non-Americans should know about America, given your experiences in America? What do you think often gets left out of global discourse about America?

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