Directions: As you are being introduced to the science of geography, it is important to understand what
questions it, as a field, strives to answer. Typically, geography is all about defining the “what” and the “where”
of something or someone, “how” it is meaningful, as well as “why” it is the way it is. It is also important for
you as students (and humans) to be able to think through difficult questions and use a critical eye when
evaluating others’ answers and opinions to these questions. So, thinking about this, I would like you to do the
1. There is a famous scientific essay published in 1968 by an American ecologist, Garrett Hardin, entitled
“The Tragedy of the Commons”. It has been a seminal work that scientists have debated for decades
following its publication. I would like you to quickly read this. The Tragedy of the Commons Hardin.pdf Download The Tragedy of the Commons Hardin.pdf
2. Then I would like you to read a short opinion piece done by an environmental professor entitled “The
Tragedy of “The Tragedy of the Commons””. The Tragedy of the Tragedy of the Commons.docx Download The Tragedy of the Tragedy of the Commons.docx
3. I would also like you to look at the Southern Poverty Law Center’s profile on Garrett Hardin. (Links to an external site.)
4. Finally, I would like you to watch these videos (1,2) on Elinor Ostrom, a political scientist and Nobel
prize winner who wrote about a differing idea concerning the commons.

(11) Ending The Tragedy of The Commons – YouTube
Now that you have familiarized yourself with the questions and answers at hand, I’d like you
to write at lease a one-page reflection addressing the following:
1. When you first read Hardin’s article, what were your thoughts?
a. Did you agree or disagree with what he had to say? Why or why not?
b. Did anything stand out to you about the points he was making?
c. What factors led you to be convinced by his article (if this was the case)? What factors led you
to be wary (if this was the case)? Why?
2. After reading the oped piece critiquing Hardin’s 1968 essay, did your opinions about the initial essay
change? Why or why not?
a. Did you agree or disagree with what this author had to say? Why or why not?
b. What in the article or about the article led you to differ (or not differ) from your initial opinion?
3. Upon looking at Garrett Hardin’s profile on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website, did you feel
more swayed by the oped piece from 2019, or more convinced that Hardin’s original work was correct?
a. Does it appear Hardin may have had biases? Which biases? Please describe as many as you can
think of.
b. How would these biases have impacted his scientific research and scientific thought?
4. Finally, after watching the two videos about Dr. Elinor Ostrom’s research, how do you feel about the
initial 1968 essay now?
a. Are you in agreement with what her research postulates in regard to the commons? Why or
why not?
b. What type of evidence does she use to support her findings? Going back to the original article,
what evidence does Hardin use to support his findings?
c. How does this impact your thoughts on bias and collaboration in research?

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