Learning Goal: I’m working on a zoology report and need a sample draft to help me learn.
I want to write about Spix’s macaw, and the IUCN has legally declared Spix’s macaw threatened.
How can we help them?
Your final paper needs to have a thesis and evidence from peer-reviewed journals.
You must paraphrase all your research into your own words. You may only use one direct quote. All additional direct quotes used will incur a point penalty from your grade.
Do not use I, Me, or My statements.
Assume the reader (me), already has a solid working knowledge of the topic. Think of it like writing a paper for a fellow expert, find something interesting you would want to share with a fellow expert on your master topic.
Primary literature sources should be published after the year 2000.
The minimum word count for the body of the paper (the portion you actually write) is 1500 words. Title, citations (both in text and end citations), your name, and any direct quotes are excluded when calculating whether or not your paper has reached the minimum word count.
Max word count is 2000, including citations.
TurnItIn will be used to scan for plagiarism. Papers over 30% will result in a meeting with Ins. Poffenroth or a failing grade.
You must paraphrase all of your research. This is an activity to test your ability at finding scholarly research articles, reading those articles, understanding those articles and putting the information you found into your own words in a coherent example of written communication.
You must have at least 10 reputable literature sources, of which you must have 8 minimum peer-reviewed journals. Your remaining references can be from any reputable resource. All sources and information that is not common knowledge are to be cited in CSE Name Year Style (Links to an external site.) , both in text and at the end in the literature cited section.
As long as your citations are in CSE Name Year Style and you are following an accepted grammatically correct style of the English language, you will be fine. This means, that you may have your literature cited section and in-text citations in CSE Name Year Style and the rest of your paper can be formatted in the style you are most accustomed to writing in, i.e. APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.
You may use a lead-in citation only once, after which you will have points deducted.
Now that you have chosen your one main topic, get specific and choose a sub-topic. You need to get very specific on your actual topic (going from the broad topic you started with to a more specific sub-topic that you could write a coherent paper of this size upon).
Research peer-reviewed journals (Links to an external site.)(My favorite databases are JSTOR and Science Direct)
While reading these journal papers, pay special attention to the Abstract, Introduction, Background/Significance and Discussion sections. Take your own notes, do not just highlight.
Drawing upon your research, gather and distill the knowledge you have just gained about your specific sub-topic and write your paper, in your own words, describing this new and novel information for a University level audience. You want to summarize your findings so that the reader will leave with a good understanding of what is cutting edge in your chosen topic’s field.
You do not need to place these underline headers in your paper – this is just to help you create your paper. There is no need to include an abstract for our purposes here.
Introduction: describe the topic, indicate the scope and give any history and/or background information that is appropriate. (Cite literature)
Body: Include current information/research drawn from a wide array of primary literature sources and text. Develop your ideas sequentially. (Cite literature)
Conclusion/Discussion: Pull together the information and ideas to make a coherent picture. Give some idea of the importance of the topic and its role in its community (if applicable). Also, indicate what the future may hold and what (if any) is being done to conserve the species. (Cite literature)
Literature Cited Section: Also known as a bibliography. All citations are to be in CSE Name Year Style. Always give credit for ALL information you have gained from someone else.

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