Write a 1500+ word essay relating a trend or art movement in PHOTOGRAPHY from before 1975 to one that is occurring today (post 2000 to now). They should be similar in a significant way.
Your choice can be one relating to popular culture, fine art, technology or media, but it must be one that was widespread or influential.
CHOOSE A DISTINCT TREND! A trend is in place for a limited time period. It should not encompass the entire history of photography or several decades. That would make it a paradigm or a genre.
Use your notes, book and other sources to describe the historical subject you chose in detail, and cite the sources appropriately. Include important players in the movement and their contributions. Provide a couple of sample images that are important or typical of the trend and a brief discussion of each piece.
Discuss the modern-day trend/aspect in sufficient detail to explain it to someone who is not already familiar with it. Use at least 2 external reference sources (like a news article) to provide more detail about the subject. Don’t assume that either you or I know everything about it– rely upon your sources for accurate information. Again, provide a couple of sample images that are important or typical of the trend and a brief discussion of each piece.
Finally, compare and contrast the “then” subject to the “now” subject in sufficient detail to make the similarities and differences clear. You may include some of your own opinion, but be careful to make sure the opinion in related to facts you described earlier in the essay– it should not just be off the top of your head or from your gut.
Be sure to include a bibliography in MLA format.

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