our analysis should note any poetic devices (similes; metaphors; meter, especially changes in meter; sound devices; symbols; etc.) used in the topic passage. Your explication is simply what the poem is about, especially in terms of theme but also including any type of “plot” if it is a narrative poem. As illustrated in the sample essay, you must copy the poem or the section of the poem at the beginning of your paper between the date and the beginning of your essay.At just 3-4 pages, the close reading paper will be a very short composition. In most cases, just three or four fully developed bodyparagraphs, along with a brief intro and conclusion, will suffice. Although they are shorter than the required length for your essay, you should use the sample CRC essays as models for you own paper. Pay close attention to the commentary and notes at the end of the sample essays. To write the paper: First, read and reread the literary work you will be writing about. If we have not already had a class discussion about the text, jot down any questions you may have about the work and bring them to class with you on the day of the lecture. Pay especially close attention during the class discussion and lecture, and, if your questions are not answered, ask them inclass. If you are getting a “head start,” feel free to see me during office hours with your questions.
Second, consider the specific topic passage that will be the basis of your paper. Look through the literary work to see what the passage contributes to the work’s principal themes. Take notes and annotate the text. Typing or printing a copy of the passage on a separate sheet of paper will usually facilitate better notetaking and annotations.
Third, try to formulate a one-sentence thesis that will be the basis for your response to the topic passage. Then write a very brief introductory paragraph that leads into this thesis.
Fourth, organize and write the paper using the notes and observations you collected in step 2 to develop and explain your centralargument.
Finally, print and proofread your finished essay.Remember, you may need to go back and revise, even after you have printed a draft of the paper. Again, feel free to ask for assistance with the paper before you turn it in.
Paper Format: Use MLA formatting (failure to do so will affect your grade):➢ 1-inch margins, 12-point TimesNew Roman font,double spaced➢ In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, you should have:o your nameo my name (Mr. Guthrie)o the class (EH 212)o the date (3August 2021)➢ After this header, please copy verbatim the topic passage you are analyzing. As seen in the example essays, you do not need a title for your essay.➢ Your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right-hand header.➢ Include a properly formatted Works Cited page with an entry for the text you analyzed.If you used any outside sources, you must also include entries for them as well. I have attached one source for you to use :). You can use other outside sources, just make sue that they are credible.One in-text citation for every body paragraphNo plagiarismPlease make sure that any outside sources used are credible and published within the last five years, so between 2017-2021.
Requirements: Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced MLA Format 3 pages | .doc file

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