I need to respond to a classmates post on a discussion post. Please respond to their response, and please refer to the guidlines below. Thanks!
Christine Stefan
RE: Discussion Week 13
Pick one stage of labor and describe what happens.
is considered a positive feedback loop, meaning the effects are
exacerbated and increased. The stretching of the cervix induces labor,
triggers the uterine body to contract, pushing the fetus through the
birth canal, that stretches the cervix further, increases contractions,
neuroendocrine reflex is induced through the spinal cord, hypothalamus,
and posterior pituitary. Oxytocin is released by the posterior
pituitary, stimulates uterine muscles through prostaglandin and
oxytocin. This process continues until the birth of the fetus and
expulsion of the placenta.
are three stages of labor, dilation, expulsion, and placental stage.
Dilation is the first and longest stage of labor. This stage lasts
anywhere from eight to twenty-four hours. The cervix dilates to ten
centimeters and thins. Thinning of the cervix is called effacement. The
fetal membrane ruptures and amniotic fluid is lost. Also known as
“breaking of the waters”. In first babies, known as primipara it can
take up to twenty-four hours for the cervix to dilate to ten
centimeters, while multipara vaginal births can take as little as a few
times labor is spontaneous, however there are times that labor must be
induced. Methods used to induce labor include membrane stripping,
amniotomy, cervical ripening with prostaglandins and intravenous
oxytocin. Labor is said to begin when contractions are three to five
minutes apart, regular, and consistent.
is divided into two phases, the latent phase, and the active phase. In
the latent phase the cervix dilates from zero to six centimeters. In the
active phase the cervix dilates from six to ten centimeters. Effacement
is the length of the cervix from anterior to posterior plane. When the
cervix has thinned completely it is considered 100 percent effaced. The
position of the fetus in the maternal pelvis is called station of the
in the dilation stage of labor the mother can become uncomfortable. The
following techniques can assist the mother in being more comfortable,
breathing and relaxation techniques should be used. The mother can also
take a warm bath, unless her water has broken, take a walk, change
positions, have a gentle massage, or roll on an exercise ball.
The Discussion Board Guidelines are below. Be sure to read the
rubric. Please check this! It’s our way of telling you how to best
succeed. For now, use the info below to guide you.
Post your answer on a specific topic to one of the questions. This is due by Wednesday night.
You then need to respond to a classmate. Your response needs to be made
on a dffierent day than the answer to the question. Therefore, your posts needs to be made on 2 different days of the week. You will not receive full credit if you post both comment to your classmates and answer my questions on the same day.
Here are some key phrases from the AP DB rubric about high quality posts:
“indicate your mastery of the materials”
“integrate multiple views”
“present a seed for reflection”
“provide evidence that you are reading, comprehending… the assigned materials and other student postings
“giving thoughtful consideration to the assigned materials and other student postings”
“able to analyze them [the facts] and handle conceptual ideas”
Be sure to either repeat the question to which you are
responding or to include mention of the topic of the question in the
first sentence of your post. This allows others to orient themselves to
your response. Also, as you are answering the question, please address
the person you are answer. For instance, when answering one of the
question sets, address your answer to the instructor (and your class).
When you are posting a comment to your classmates, include your
classmates name in your post so that they will know you are providing
more information about their topic. This will also help me to determine
whether you are answering one of the questions in the question set, or
making a comment to your classmates postings.
Important! Remember to read all new posts before submitting your answers. Repeated
answers/topics will not count as a post. It is best to make a list of
the topics as you are reading each other’s posts so that you are not
repeating posts when you submit your answers.
Your posts should be a paragraph in length (minimum of 300 words).
This does not include the question, quoted material,
in-text/end-of-text citations, or statements that say “I agree, great
job, I learned a lot or similar language” when commenting on your
classmates posts. Short posts will not receive full credit. The
discussions can incorporate material from the book as well as outside
sources. When copying material for the text or outside sources (make
sure it is in quotation marks), it does not count as part of the minimum
Remember that, in addition to your post answering one of my questions, you must respond to at least one other student’s post by the same set of guidelines.
When responding to someone’s post, remember to do more than just
say: “ I agree” or “that’s great.” Extend the discussion by bringing
in a different example, asking a question, providing additional details,
disorders, diseases, debating, and/or connecting their response to a
question you chose to answer.
Keep in mind that in science we seldom use quotations. The best way to determine if you understand something is to explain it to someone else in your own words.
All posts will be run through SafeAssign/TurnItIn, which is
plagiarism detection software, per department regulations. You cannot
reuse previous posts you have written from a prior semester. Evidence of
plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. Repeated
violations result in referral to the Academic Integrity committee.
Be sure to cite the source of your information when posting. Your citations can be at the end of your post. In-text citations do not count towards your word length.
This is necessary even if you are not directly quoting
someone. You must provide a reference for any idea that is not your
own, and for any information that is not common knowledge, even if you
have put them in your own words.
Some internet resources are not acceptable. These include any web address that includes about.com, answers.com, wisegeek.com or Wikipedia.org anywhere
in the URL. I will make a comment in your posts if the citation is
unacceptable. Repeated uses from the same website will result in point
If you use a source other than your text, be sure to include
the entire reference. If it is a website, when I click on the link, it
should bring me to the exact page in which you obtained the
information. You can do this by copying the entire http:// line.
To help keep track of your sources, it helps to have a word
file open while doing your research. Copy the URL and title of the page
as you type notes. (This can also help with grammar and spelling if
you use Word’s built-in checker.).
Spell-check your posts! You can spell check your posts easily within the DB reply window.
Read ALL the posts for the week, not just your own. The DB is
meant to be a true class discussion, not simply something to check off
your list for the week. The DB questions are a bit like review
questions you might be given to answer before an exam. The benefit here
is that you are working together to answer them! Our little learning
community will sink or float based on how well we all paddle.
I know this is a long set of guidelines. But following it will
ensure that you receive a good grade for your discussion posts. The
discussion board makes up 10% of your overall course grade.

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