The American Chemical Society is a large organization to which a large number (over 100,000) of professional chemists in the USA belong. The society publishes many scientific journals, holds scientific conferences and sends to all members a weekly news magazine: Chemical and Engineering News (Abbreviated C&EN). Each issue contains news articles and other items of interest to chemists and chemical engineers in industry, government, and the academic world. Your assignment is to read, from cover to cover, a recent issue of C&EN and write a brief essay based on your reading of the entire issue (specific things to include are below). Of course, a single issue is like a snapshot, only revealing a brief and incomplete view of the whole. Nevertheless, each issue covers a wide range of topics and you should be able to gain a reasonably good impression. You should read letters to the editor, news items, articles, book reviews, economic reports and advertisements. Nearly every issue will contain items to which you can connect.
The goal of your essay is to give your impression of what chemists are working on, interested in, and concerned about, and to relate chemistry to yourself. DO NOT merely paraphrase one article or list the articles. This assignment will give you an opportunity to exercise your writing skills on an unfamiliar subject and will be an instructive glimpse directly into the world of chemistry as it exists today.
Try to make as much sense of this material as you are able; don’t be concerned if some of the articles describing research are difficult to understand. Try to grasp what problem/topic the research is focused on and/or why it is important. Your essay should include at least the following:
A description of your attitudes toward chemistry prior to reading the magazine (and also prior to this course)
Find an item (article, news item, book review, advertisement, etc) that supports some aspect of your attitude about chemistry and describe the relationship. For this link to work, you must be signed into your UMemphis account, otherwise you will not have access to our library resources. https://cen.acs.org/magazine/98/09828.html
Find a different item that changed some aspect of your attitude about chemistry and describe the change.
Describe any common themes that appear throughout your issue and relate them to yourself in some way.
Describe your favorite item from the issue.
INSTRUCTIONS: Select an online issue of C&EN published in the last two years. The online issues of C&EN are accessible through the University of Memphis library website using the journal title search function.
DEADLINE – See the listing in the syllabus. If you need help with your writing, consult the Center for Writing and Communication (http://www.memphis.edu/cwc/).
STYLE – Feel free to express your own opinion and be creative. Imagine, for example, that this paper is a letter that you are sending home or to a friend to whom you are trying to explain what chemistry is all about. Try showing a draft to a classmate before you write and hand in the final draft. Make sure to cite the specific issue you selected by its publication date within your essay.
GRADING – The essay will be graded mostly on content but poor quality of the writing detracts from your meaning and that will affect your grade. Plagiarism is completely unacceptable and will be checked through turnitin.com, if you don’t understand something well enough to paraphrase it you need to discuss it with your instructor.
LENGTH and UPLOAD – Your essay should be 500-1000 words long (about 2-4 typed pages). You must upload your file to the dropbox in either Microsoft Work or PDF formats (which allow use of the plagiarism checking feature and addition of grading feedback directly within eCourseware). Check your document after upload to make sure it opens directly without having to be downloaded first. If your only option is to download the document before it can be opened, it has not been uploaded in an acceptable format.

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