This paper is about acces to care for rural people with disabilities. The paper must include the following discussion points as oputlined.
1-Verify, define and detail of the problem ( transportation / access to care for people with disabilities. )
*State the problem, discuss true magnitude of and extent of the problem( provide statistics), who are the eligible people ( vulnerable and oppressed people, disable, and those without transportation.) Eligerabate about rural transportation issue for this population. why is transportation for people with disabilities a proble. Identify who is concerned with this problem and why. Provide resources to deal with the problem.
2-Establish and evaluate the criteria, what are the importance of the [policy goal and how will they be measured. Identify the problem and revenants to stakeholders? Clearing goals and values( transportation equality, funding to expand medical transportation, safety planning, valuing the well-being of all humans especially those who are vulnerable, oppressed, or indigent person.
Provide a ranking for quilifaction ( disable people, income, location etc)
Administrative Ease do service ( Cost and benefits, effectiveness, equality, legality, political acceptability.)
3 -Identify alternative policies (2021 Equity and Accessibility Transportation Planning Grant) this policy can be found on RHIhub. Please include 3 policies, some can be urban polices that can be adaptive for rural communities.
Provide an example of how this could work for rural communities.
additional policies: example metro transportation ; metroloft.
4 – Assess to alternative policies
Method to apply, expected outcome, effect, and impact of each policy alternative, Predict do the outcome that meets the desired goal?
Continue to talk about 1 of the policy in-depth analysis that will help rurural peopel with disabilities with receive medical care, using the transportation.
5-Differences among the policies.
What are the policy strength, weaknesses and alternative policies. ( talkabout the reason why the policy chooses was better than the others
Use matrices reports, scenarios, or local arguments. Please include references APA ONLY
6. Example of how the policy can be monitor, implemented into a rural
-Create a plan for implementing, monitoring system, design for policy evaluation,
Discuss was the policy properly implemented? Or will ther be difficulties and the intended effects.
This paper can be turned in no later than Monday @ 12:pm
I included my outline and references that can be used.
This paper needs 10 -15 references. 11 pages with a reference page
APA only. Thank as

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