Learning Goal: I’m working on a sustainability multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Hi this is the link for the paper https://www.snowyhydro.com.au/snowy-20/about/
There’s an annotated bibliography and a research paper. Info has been provided with the order. Let me know if you have any questions.
Managing project Quality
– Annotated bibliography listing a minimum of 10 high quality sources.
– Research paper titled: “The Sustainable Project Quality Aspects of the Snowy 2.0 Hydroelectric Scheme, with Recommendations for Lessons Learned”.
– References must be APA 7th compliant.
– The detailed analysis and synthesis of the Snowy 2.0 Hydro Project as a whole will enable you to provide justified solutions and/or recommendations. This will require you to read more widely.
– you are encouraged to read relevant academic journal articles and professional blogs. Clear solutions and recommendations, with the supporting rationale as to their applicability must be included in the research paper.
– The report must include significant reference to PMBOK 7, Quality Management theory, map out, identify and link each stage of the project process with quality elements and comment on specific successes and failures of each.
– The report must be summarised as a project “lessons learned” report based on your research and should include specific recommendations for improvement in the quality aspects of the project.
Additional Requirements:
Page length should be a minimum of 10 pages full.
Must Be knowledgeable in APA 7.
Points are deducted for not correctly citing and proper layout of the paper.
References should be at least 6-7 and must have in-text citations above 2018 years.

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