Write a paper in which you imagine yourself in conversation with Lyman and Alsultany. What would you say to her? What specific parts of her narrative (set out in her essay) raise further questions for you? How do you see yourself in relation to her? What do you learn about yourself as you think about her experience?
1.You should start out writing about what the author/speaker is saying. If the author/speaker is making an argument for something, state the conclusion, and then set out how she/he argues for that conclusion. If the piece is literary, that is, fiction, briefly summarize the story.
2.The second part of the journal essay should be a gathering together of your thoughts, ideas, and at times feelings about what the author/speaker has said. Some possiblequestions to consider: Do you agree with her/his claims? How and why? Do they
resonate with you and your experience? How? Is there something that the author did not consider that you believe ought have been considered? What is it and why is it important?Is there something that the author/speaker has pointed out that is new to you?
What is it, and what do you think about it? etc.
3.In general, try to use language that really captures what is going on in your mind as you respond to the author/speaker. It is often the case that in informal writing of this kind, we tend to use the phrase “I feel that __________.” While at times this phrase is exactly the
phrase we need, often what we really want to says is, “I think that_____________”, “I would argue that _________________”, “I contend that ________________”, “I suggest
that _________________”, etc. Try to think carefully about just what kind of claim you wish to make about the ideas or arguments of the author/speaker. Not everything we want to say is really a feeling.
4.Try to read deeply into the text. What is the context of the author’s/speaker’s ideas? How and why does she/he say what she/he says? What is the content? What does she/he say? How does it connect to things you have thought about, encountered, wondered about?
6. Be sure to cite the readings you refer to in your paper. Please consult the APA or MLA Citation Guides in D2L/Content. Please note that you must cite the particular article as being found in an anthology or compilation (MLA) or in an edited work (APA).

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