There are a myriad of methods to assessing body composition and each has their strengths and weaknesses (sources of error or allowed variance). Being able to determine the appropriate method to assess body composition of your clients is an essential skill within the field. While some may be more accurate or a gold standard, they may be additional considerations including the cost, time, location, or volume of testing prohibited. Having an understanding of this will better assist you in helping your clients understand their body composition results and if changes have truly occurred over time with lifestyle modificaitons. Finally, the instructions that need to be expressed to clients before testing to ensure accuracy of the results can be a critical conversation prior to testing.
Read the case study below and answer the question thoroughly in paragraph form. Be specific in your answer.
You are the assistant director of a fitness center (e.g. university, corporate, hospital, etc.) and your director, approaches you and asks for a detailed report regarding the five best methods to be utilized in your facility for assessing body fat percentage and body composition. You must explain to your director what methods might be the best for your specific facility. Be thorough in your response, yet keep potential financial constraints in mind. Also, provide details on the pros and cons of each choice that you consider.

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