Some pathogens can decimate specific populations of animals if untreated. Some do not adversely affect host animals, but can make human beings very sick. Because of this, habitat and facility sanitation is paramount, but even cleaning agents can be a potential threat to human and animal health! First, choose a dangerous pathogen of note in the field of animal care, whether a bacteria, virus, or disease process. In a 3-4 page paper, discuss how contamination occurs, who it affects, and which cleaning agent is used in conjunction with it when disinfecting or preventing outbreaks. Include any contraindications to human and animals there might be for the cleaning agent you chose. Finally, include a statement about how you can apply this information to utilize proper animal sanitation practices in your future career.
Your paper should follow the formatting guidelines in the Course Project (Font should be 12 point and line spacing single spaced or 1.5 spaced, or “at least” – spacing, and references in APA format).

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