This assignment is designed to lead into and prepare you for your final essay.
Having already chosen your topic and begun your research (see Annotated Bibliography
instructions), it is now time to take a clear and specific position on your topic and outline your
plan of argument. Your proposal should include an introduction to your topic, a thesis statement,
and a brief outline of how you will structure your essay and argue your point of view. It must be
written in paragraph form and complete sentences and must not exceed one page (not including
the cover page and References page). Your thesis and plan should employ and be rooted in the
sources listed in your Annotated Bibliography and be designed to analyze your topic
sociologically. If some sources have changed between bibliography and proposal, that is fine as
long as your new sources are still relevant and appropriate. Please begin your thesis statement
with the phrase: “In this essay I will argue that…” Do not italicize or bold your thesis. No
annotations are required on the References page. Worth 10% of your final grade and will be
graded using the following criteria:
1. Relevance of topic and clarity of working thesis (4/10)
2. Quality of plan of action (4/10)
3. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation (1/10)
4. Following assignment and formatting instructions (1/10)

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