Performance Review: Watch the adaptation of Bertolt Brecht’s The Three Penny Opera (National Theatre Collection database, available through the U of A Library system)
and write a 2-3 page review of the production. What’s interesting about this adaptation of Brecht’s play? How does the creative team shape the world of the play and shapes the viewing experience of the audience? Why this play/production now? Make sure your paper has a clear thesis based on your interpretation of the directorial vision and that you comment on the different design aspects. Your understanding and evaluation of the production should be evident from the beginning and should be supported by examples. Remember that this review requires a critical engagement with the show and its aesthetics, so avoid lengthy descriiptions, plot summaries or comments based on preferences (I like/love, I hate…). Concentrate instead on how the production reflects directorial/design choices and highlights the themes of the play (possibly even reinterpreting them for a contemporary audience). Your review should be well structured and closely edited for clarity, grammar, and syntax. It should be written in Times New Roman 12; double-spaced; 1-inch margin all around; it should have a title. Once you are finished, submit your review through eclass. Due October 31.

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