1) READ – pages 14-22 by next class
2) VIDEOS – watch by 11/14
Video # 1:Chapter 1.1: Introduction to logic – YouTube
Video #2: Chapter 1.2: Induction and background theories – YouTube
Video #3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=q8NVy00tfdI&t=1810s – great description to INDUCTIVE versus DEDUCTIVE ARGUMENTS
4) COURSEWORK –SUBMIT Exercises 2-pp. 22-23 (below)- DUE 11/15
Exercise One
For each argument decide whether it is deductive, inductive or abductive. If it contains more than one type of inference, indicate which.
Every human being has a heart,
If something has a heart, then it has a liver
/∴/∴ Every human being has a liver
Answer: This is a deductive argument because it is attempting to show that it’s impossible for the conclusion to be false if the premises are true.
Chickens from my farm have gone missing,
My farm is in the British countryside,
/∴/∴ There are foxes killing my chickens
All flamingos are pink birds,
All flamingos are fire breathing creatures,
/∴/∴ Some pink birds are fire breathing creatures
Every Friday so far this year the cafeteria has served fish and chips,
If the cafeteria’s serving fish and chips and I want fish and chips then I should bring in £4,
If the cafeteria isn’t serving fish and chips then I shouldn’t bring in £4,
I always want fish and chips,
/∴/∴ I should bring in £4 next Friday
If Bob Dylan or Italo Calvino were awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, then the choices made by the Swedish Academy would be respectable,
The choices made by the Swedish Academy are not respectable,
/∴/∴ Neither Bob Dylan nor Italo Calvino have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature
In all the games that the Boston Red Sox have played so far this season they have been better than their opposition,
If a team plays better than their opposition in every game then they win the World Series
/∴/∴ The Boston Red Sox will win the league
There are lights on in the front room and there are noises coming from upstairs,
If there are noises coming from upstairs then Emma is in the house,
/∴/∴ Emma is in the house

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