Satirical Evaluation of Movie (200 words)
Include the title of movie, director, and when it was released
Briefly explain the concept of movie
Write why you selected the movie for this assignment
State your thesis and give an overview
Geographic Context (300 words)
Explain how the movie addressed the aspects of Geography (choose 2-3 to talk about):
• Physical Geography (tectonics, landforms, climate, soil, vegetation)
• Human-Environmental Interactions (desertification, deforestation, impact of conservation, land rights, wildlife)
• Political Geography (colonialism, post-colonial government systems, Public policy, conflict)
• Cultural Geography (cultural traits, kinship, food, symbolism, inconsistencies with North American culture)
• Population and Health Geography (birth and death rates, age cohorts, disease, mobility)
• Geography of Development (globalization, economic development, financial systems, transportation)
• Social Geography (role of women, race, education, development perspectives, historical influences)
• Agriculture (traditional verses cash crops, policy questions, climate impacts)
• Urbanization (city structures, rural urban migration, housing)
Evaluation (400 words)
Answer the following questions:
• First paragraph (100 words)
o What specific location or region of Africa does your selection consider?
o What time period was considered (current research, historical movie, etc.)?
▪ What have you learned from class that gives you an understanding of the timing or time period?
o What is the one highlight about your selection that you would share with the class, if asked?
• Second and third paragraphs (200 words)
o How did this lecture/movie/event enhance what did you have learned beyond what is covered in the text, discussions and the classroom?
o How did your selection contribute to your understanding of Geography in Africa? This should be several paragraphs.
▪ You can talk about the geographies that you wrote about in Geographic Context section
• Fourth paragraph (100 words)
o What is/was the opinion of others about your selected event/movie/lecture, in the context of Africa? You may ask others in person (and cite them), review literature or articles and general information to answer this part. You need two citations total in this paper.
▪ If you cite a person, you write (F. Last, personal communication, Month Day, Year)
o Was there any part of your experience that you felt was controversial or overly stereotypical?
o Was anything about your experience with your selected lecture/event/movie unresolved? What else would you have liked to have seen or known?
Summary and Conclusion (150 words)
Summarize what you talked about in report (restate thesis)
Write about how this is relevant to you personally
Explain how this helped you understand an aspect of Africa
Try to use satire in this section (if you want to)

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