This paper is designed to give you a taste of the work that planners do. It focuses on the concept of “community development” to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a community, in order to establish urban & regional planning goals for a more livable community. You will need to find and read your hometown’s comprehensive plan (also often called a “master plan” or “general plan”) for this assignment. I must verify that you found your plan by Nov 1 on this GoogleSheet Links to an external site..
Your paper should be approx. 2500 words (approx. 8 double-spaced pages).
At least two thematic maps are required (not just location maps of your city/town or an intersection you’re discussing, for example). Photos and tables will also greatly enhance your final product. Be sure to reference them in your text (Figure 1, Table 1, etc.).
The suggested structure of your paper follows. Use bold section headers to divide up your paper:
Healthy communities
Explain your ideal of a healthy/strong/successful community. Provide broad categories, as well as some specifics related to urban & regional planning. This section is where you tell me, in general, what you think a healthy community should be, in the context of urban & regional planning.
Is YourHomeTown a healthy/strong/successful community?
Using the “healthy communities” section above as a guide, discuss YourHomeTown’s strengths as a community. Provide evidence of these strengths (data, tables, photos, news articles, etc.), not just anecdotes (i.e., “when I was growing up…”, or “whenever I’m driving on this road, I see…”).
YourHomeTown’s planning challenges
Clearly identify, and thoroughly discuss, the top three future planning challenges facing YourHomeTown, related to this ideal of a healthy/strong/successful community. Provide evidence of these challenges (data, tables, photos, news articles, etc.), not just anecdotes.
Plans & planners’ “tools” for the future of YourHomeTown
Finally, based on these three planning challenges, what are some specific plans that could be enacted to enhance YourHomeTown?
Thoroughly discuss some of the tools that planners have to enact these suggestions. It is critical that you cite your textbook and class readings here.
Be sure to cite each source properly within the text of your paper, and include full references in your bibliography. Any citation style is okay, as long as it is complete and consistent.
You must cite your textbook and your comprehensive plan thoroughly.

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