Students will be putting together a research proposal that utilizes a flexible design about a problem they would like to explore. Students are encouraged to choose a topic related to their doctoral program project so that the research completed will contribute to their overall applied project. Applied Research projects often are designed to answer practical questions and involve applying specific theories (Fixed Designs /Quantitative Studies) and findings to a specific real-world problem that a specific organization is experiencing. This course focuses on the use of flexible designs utilizing Qualitative methods of Phenomenology, Narrative, Grounded Theory, Case Study and Ethnography. While fixed designs and Quantitative methods will be reviewed, your proposal should be a flexible design using a Qualitative method of study.
The students will complete a proposal only and will not actually complete the research project in this course. Students should incorporate the Merida: Christ-centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Kings text in parts 1 and 2 of this paper as it relates to the chosen applied research topic. Each area of the project proposal will be discussed in further detail in class and will relate to the textbook chapters.

Regarding the textbooks chosen, Robson & McCartan: Real World Research and Creswell & Poth: Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches, each will use slightly different terminology in their writings. Robson writes of flexible and fixed designs whereas Creswell references Qualitative and Quantitative methods. Generally speaking, flexible designs are aligned with Qualitative methods and fixed designs are aligned with Quantitative methods.
Part 2 – Background (Literature Review): Students will discuss the search strategy and then conduct a review of the existing literature about this topic and write the literature review in APA format. The background will consist of 15 pages in length using a minimum of 10 academic references. Students should start researching and collecting scholarly references as soon as possible as this can be a very time-consuming process.

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