This paper provides you an opportunity to draft a personal design philosophy that might be handed to a potential employer or partner to explain your approach to the design process. The paper should be written in the first person, and should include at least five (5) references from class reading. Questions you might explore in this paper include:
What is codesign? How is it related to other terms such as participatory design, human-centered design, participatory action research, etc.?
Why is collaborative design important to you?
How does collaborative design intervene in existing power dynamics or systemic inequities?
What are situations or conditions that are ideal for codesign? When might it be challenging?
Use examples from the reading or case studies we discussed in class. It is also okay to use examples from your design process this semester.
Papers should be 10-12 pages, double-spaced, with 12-point font. References should be in APA style, with in-text parenthetical citations. All papers should include a title page and bibliography.

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