Sex and gender have been theorized in a variety of ways. As we know, one way gender can be theorized is as a socially constructed set of rules and norms in society. Simone de Beauvoir’s infamous quote “one is not born, but becomes a woman” highlights this way of understanding gender (de Beauvoir 1952: 249). In this view, the process of gendering is a social process.
The process of becoming a gendered person is also impacted by our experiences with other social forces, including race, class, sexuality, bodies, health, medicine, culture, religion, education, and family.
In this assignment, you will closely examine your own life course at three points in time for meanings related to gender.
Beginning by looking at de Beauvoir’s standpoint, you will explore ways that gender has operated over your life course and how it has been impacted by other social forces in shaping your past, present, and future life experiences.
First, you will examine how the process of becoming gendered shaped your childhood. Give (at least) three examples and use course readings to help make sense of the ways gender manifested in your youth. Also, what other social forces intersected with gender to shape your childhood.
Second, you will examine how the process of being gendered is shaping your life today. Give (at least) three examples and use course readings to help make sense of the ways gender manifests in your life today. Also, what other social forces are intersecting with gender to shape your experiences in the world.
Third, you will envision how the process of being gendered will affect the lives of the (real or imagined) next generation of your family. Give (at least) three examples and use course readings to help make sense of the ways gender might shape life experience in the future. Also, what other social forces might intersect with gender to shape their experiences in the world.
Last, through examining ways gender shapes your life course, think about ways you are impacted, both positively and negatively by the constructions of gender in your life. How would you change the way gender shapes our lives?
What do you hope gender looks like in the future?
To deeply analyze these questions you will apply (at least) six course readings we have discussed in class throughout your 6-8 page paper.
The paper must have a title that reflects its contents and a works cited page. Quotes and paraphrased material must be cited (Author Year: Page #). All work submitted must be your own original ideas presented in your own words.

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